

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2010
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So I'm bleeding again ladies. Just phoned the hospital and because of my low placenta I have to go in to be checked and they have said to take an overnight bag as I might have to stay in. Baby's movements have really slowed down too.


Babe, get yourself down there now then and get off the bloody pc, can you text me when you hear something and let me know how you are getting on?? You'll be fine hunny thinking of you xx
OMG Wish....I hope everything is ok hunny. At least they are going to look after you.

Hope everything is ok

Will text you later hunny xxx
I'm just waiting for a taxi. I'm going as soon as I can, trust me!

Good luck hun, let us know how things go, I am sure things will be fine and they are just being cautious with you xx
Good luck hun! Sorry your OH's sister has the same thing she keeps bleeding but all is fine x
aww sorry to hear tht good luck at the hospital xxx
sorry to hear this! all the best, just enjoy being waited on until you and bubs are better :) x
hope everything is ok hun let us know how you get on xxx
Big hugs Wish, hope it all goes ok!!!!

x x x x
******** UPDATE *******

Have just heard from Wish and will type out the text she sent....

The baby is in distress, her heart rate is low and mine is high. Bleeding has slowed and is definitely coming from the placenta. They did a scan and she is in a funny position so they have moved me and my tummy around to get her to move as she was pulling the cord. Been put on bedrest and will have more tests tomorrow.

She is hoping to have her bedrest at home.

Aw hun, i hope everything turns out fine! Which i am sure it will, its just a bit scary. Good luck hun x
oh nooooooo

hope you can go home to rest and all heart rates return to normal
Wish is surprisingly calm bless her - really does have her head screwed on that one.

If you can spare a positive thought or prayer please do for Wish and her little princess xx

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