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noisy neighbours


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
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Has ne one had really noisy neighbours who woke their kids up? , well mine r horrible im thinking of moving its a nightmare , they bang up the stairs every day an night , they slam doors i dont no y cos their in their 30's i mean adults but they have no respect for ne one their just intimidating me cos im on my own, she gobs off and hes just a norm ne way , their having a party like rite now , which i cant do a thing cos they can do it till 11:30pm its just so frustrating :evil: :x sorry to go on but they just dont think bout no one around them jox
we had a noisy lady live in the flat above us. she sounded like a dog being strangled, if you catch my drift!. not fantastic at the best of times, but even worse at 4am!

Then she had a fire up there and all the noise, we thought was her just comming home drunk and crashing around. :x but she moved out and an old lady moved in... she was lovely! but she has moved and now it is empty again :dance:

problem is, how do you say to someone you are being too noisy :think:
lol... can you talk to them?

we have a lot of neighbours who have partys... thats not the problem the problem is the fighting that happens after.. our street is called east street and my direct neighbours are quiet.. every weekend we say to each other.. another instalment of east streetenders, last week a caravan blew up at the bottom of the street..week before fighting and cops came. last weekend my old neighbour whos a nightmare (hes 80odd) grabbed a kid by the throat and lifted him off the floor..for playing opposite his house..

most of the noise here comes from the kids playing.. but we do have bad times too as u can see...
we also live in a small community, about 50 houses in the countryside.. so it shouldnt be this bad ehre.. i think its just my street..
When I lived at home with my mum we used to hgave a neighbour who played her music sooooo loud, you'd think it was a nightclub next door. I was trying to complete my dissertation and revise for my final exams GRRRRRRR :evil:

We managed to track her landlords name and tel number thru a bit of detective work- I'd taken a random picture of my car to finish a roll of film off and in the pic was the to let sign with the estate agents detsils on. We rang them and they gave us the landlords details. We complained 3 times and on the the 3rd occassion he said he was gonna threaten her with eviction. And it worked. they were as good as gold after that :lol:

Have you complained to the council?
We have a problem sometimes with our neighbours too, they play loud music, bang doors, hammer and drill alot its so annoying isnt it grrrrrrrrrr
i think you need to talk to them or ring the council or whoever, around your place, you need too sort it out cos like, its not fair on you or your child, its just nasty, and not nice for you, dont bloody move just cos of them, you should have to be like, pushed out of your home becasue of annoying neighbours.

my neighbours, they are really bad aswell,
theres a little 14 year old kid who lives with her mum, but her mum goes to work at like 7, so she has her music on at about 7 30 in the morning, so loudly, you can hear the lyrics through the wall, it vibrates my tv, and stuff falls off it,
sometimes it goes on all day til like 12 30 in the morning,
its annoying, but mum said if it still carries on when baby comes there will be problems,
aww hun I know what you are going through. I ade a post some time ago about my neighbours. They would play their music to all hours and when I knocked on their door asking to turn it down, there was no answer. Next hing I know the door bells goes and they are saying they are going to kill me etc :cry: I was 7 months pregnant at the time, had to ring the police. Fat lot of good that did! :x

I decided to go throught Enviromental Health. They were really great, Really supportive. Only thing they really did thjought was write letters to my neighours and get me to write a nosie diary which went on for 2 months! In the end I had to get my solisitors onto it.
i was thinking of this earlier and wanted to tell you about the ppl who lived at my place before me. Well there was a young couple with a abby boy. the fella used to beat up the girl. the neighbours got our landlords involved who kicked them out.

do they own or rent the place?
:wave: thnx girls 4 all ur post. I asked my mum bout the council and all i can do is get a record sheet an make a diary of all the noise but all your stories win hands down lol it is a pain i cant talk to them as im on my own and they have each other so its a bit intimadating as i said b4 for me to talk to them the woman who lives the other side to them has kids older then mine an she bangs to, they bought the house , i wonder if thats why they moved from their last place cos no one cud stand them :lol: well im asking my landlord if they can move me which is a shame but i cant stand her big fat gob ne more an he creeps me out , ill keep u all posted an thnx 4 sharing ur stories with me .joxx

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