

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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are babies very bothered by noise? THe Flat above me plays Hindu music a lot and they stomp a long to it and it can be quite high pitched. THe flat below me has an addiction to the White Stripes on guitar. I will be here for the babies first 9 months of life and have some serious concerns about the disruption to the baby.
If that's all it's ever known then prob not Hun, u could ask ur kind neighbours to tame it down tho that would drive me insane let alone the baby!!!!! X
LOl I got evicted from my last place because I demanded my landlord fix a leaky boiler, bad windows, rotting falling in roof, that place was quiet but a health hazard so he just served me the 2 months notice to evict. This new place seemed a lot more moden but I am ont he 3rd floor sandwiched between the 4th and 2nd floor. THe guy below is usualyl not to bad with the guitar, but upstairs they have no respect. I am a legal advisor but I know neighbour disputes can become quite aggressive with very few remedies. But if baby is okay..well I hope he is. I just worry.
I agree would drive me up the wall
Well I got a 12 month tenancy so I wouldn't be evicted again when teh 6 month one ended and didn't want to pay letting agency fees every 6 months. It was practical, I've only been here a month. I do wear earplugs but obviously not when baby comes. Basically at the end of 12 months, we hope we may be able to move back to the US where I am from after living in England for 10 years. Big moves ahead so I didn't want to keep flat hopping, but yeah I think the stomping routine has got to stop, I just don't understand how anyone can be that disrespectful
I would have a polite word with them, let them know you will soon have a baby n would appreciate if they could keep the noise down a bit, esp at night. xxx
I will try they just seem like those type of people that would be "evil" LOL i know prejudge we'll see. Just who that lives ont eh fourt floor thinks it's a good idea to stomp
hmm, well you can only try!! If all else fails n it is really bad, talk to the landlord n maybe see if you can get out of the tenancy early. Though most landlords I've had experience with are not the most understanding that way!!! Anything is worth a try though!!!! xxx
yeah and environmental health in my experience aren't fantastic either, but it is only between 1-2 hours a day for the most part. I guess Ic an live with that

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