No symptoms :( Still hoping


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
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Hi I'm new here. Wrote in another board a few days ago but got no replies.

Been agonizing a little over a week now. Thing is I don't have any symtoms... I keep reading about nausea, feeling sick or extremely tired, sore breasts and nipples. I got nadda :(
Granted, it's been 8 dpo so I don't know if it's too early to have any symptoms at all. A friend of mine didn't. She was late in her period, took 3 tests from different brands and all came back negative. She finally had a blood test and that's how she found out. But I guess she's the minority?

4dpo I got some cramping... on either side of my pelvic area and some very low in the middle. On and off I do have a mild cramping but nothing really noticeable. I'm eating more, not in a bulimia way but digesting pretty quickly I must say. That's about it

Oh and I got this test that can tell you as early as 5 days after conception if you're pg. It was negative - didn't use morning urine sample nor did I wait 4 hours to urinate. But it detects really small amounts of hcG (10 miU/ml) so that as well got me a little down.

Sorry so long. I guess I need to hear that anything is possible and it's too soon to tell

Thank you for reading

I'm no expert but I would say it's probably too soon to tell. I got some implantation bleeding about 10 days after ovulation and wierd leg cramps at night that made my legs jump about! That lasted three days and I also had odd dreams. With the spotting came cramps like beginning period cramps so I just thought I was about to start as I have a 24 day cycle anyway and that was day 24. I didn't test until 31 days and even then the only symptom I got until I was about 6 weeks were the cramps- it was only then that I got tired and morning sickness etc etc. I do think it really depends on your body though- we're all so different! Anyway- don't worry- I think it's just early days, give it a bit longer and then test again :).

Thank you Rosebay for replying. And congratulations on your baby!

I'm trying to pay attention to my body but I think that's risky as every little symptom could mean anything. For example I felt a little nauseous yesterday but hey, maybe my stomach got a little upset, so what?
A little cramping is coming every day but no other signs, esp on my breasts which I think is the most common.

I am thinking the odds are against me... And this is the worst feeling :( Just as all this waiting is!

Thanks again :)
I think you're right, you could drive yourself crazy wondering about individual symptoms as most of the pregnancy symptoms individually could be period or just general "off day" symptoms.

The key thing is the combination of symptoms or something feeling 'like' a period symptom but not quite.

Why don't you try writing a journal of symptoms for you to compare? So when you feel sick write down the day and time and what kind of sick feeling so that the next time you can say that you did feel like that but it was different or you didn't have the sickness with the sore breasts etc.??

I know it probably doesn't help you with this month, but if you turn out not to be pg then it'll be nice to have for next time and you'll feel like you're doing something constructive?
Hi Becky!

Thank you for the advice. I wish I had more chances but I’m not likely to have one each month like the rest of you ttc. It’s an ldr therefore making things very difficult.

Anyway, I’ll give it try and do what you just said.

I have no past experience of a pregnancy so no “valid” symptoms to compare with!

Thank you :)

p.s. just got the leaking feeling down there. Could be af, I'll go check. I've seen the CM being mentionned, what is it about? Cause I've got some white discharge

I did one of those tests 4 days b4 my due period and one at 2 days both showed negative, then 6 days after my missed period and very sore boobs, i did another test which was positve. I also kept getting the feeling i was going to get my period, but it never came! I only had 3 symptons , sore boobs, tiredness and missed period.

So there is hope but try not to drive yourself crazy, i thought i was a few months ago, i was 10 days late, but then think it was done to me hoping i was, i was really disapointed then when i wasnt,

Try to relax and unfortunately what will be will be

take care
Natalie x
I had the same raised hopes as the first period after starting to ttc was about 5 days late. My periods are never late so I'd convinced myself that I was pregnant because I didn't feel like my period was going to happen and then it did.

I was terribly dissapointed but I guess I was stressed about starting to ttc etc. and that made my period late.

Fingers crossed for you!!
Thank you guys for all the replies coming in.

I keep that in mind, that I'm gonna make my period late if I get too anxious about this. Although last time I had gotten that anxious, she did come right on time!

Still having that mild cramping down there (eps when I walk or drive in a bumpy road) and a few twinges before on my belly button.

I don't know when my af is due, it could be Saturday-Monday.A week seems so far away but if it's bound to come I wish it comes as early as possible so that I can save me from the extra waiting!


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