No one told the health visitor


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2009
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got home yesterday to a letter with them wanting to come and see me pending my due dte in April...

I have only just got my head round to not having my baby in april, and that I WILL be having it in August :wall:

am surethere is some one sitting up there plotting for ways and to see how many times they can drive me to breaking point

the HV was lovely and phoned me back, have left the GP surgery trying to find out who should have told them, but my guess is the f***ing midwife
and surprse surprise the mw has phoned me back 18 days after the first phone call, but in response to te fact that I'm not happy at this f***ing letter....
You poor thing- honestly, what is wrong with these people?! I hope whoever is responsible is held accountable hon. x
^^ only if I complain, and I don't think I have the energy to do that at the minute, am already going through the complaints system for the care I got during my mc...
Oh no :( I'm so sorry to read this hun. Can't believe they've done this to you :hug:
i want to go and get my memory box out, but know if I did that I would be useless for the rest of the day, not that I'm good now.... why does things like this get u when u are on ur own... DH is working til 9... :cry:
omg how horrible, heartless c**ts!!
i think that they dont think about the emotional side of MC, just put it in a letter and think "oh well" heartless.

hope your ok hun, i think u should have a lazy ass day, choccies and cuppa......chin up huni xx
It would of been the midwife as my midwife was going on about the health visitor the other day which in fact i didnt really want one but i think we have no choice, my midwife seems to be like yours a heartless biatch!.
i mc in september last year at 12 weeks and i got pregnant again in november which my emotions were still raw very difficult but to be told different dates by the midwife grrr flippin useless aint they.

were here for you for when ever yu want to chat/rant we dont mind. :hugs: x

p.s. im also due in august x
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That's REALLY disgusting but, unfortunately not unbelievable :hug: So sorry to hear you got that stupid letter. A little tact would be nice - but I have to say, with the experiences I've had with the NHS automated letter system it's not surprising. Useless bunch of .....
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I had the same problem when I had my mc! Iwas so so so angry and it still hurts! It was just another thing to add to the horrific treatment I recieved (put on a maternity ward, treated like a second class citizen by the nurses, the only person who treated me decently was the porter who took me down for the op) I wish I'd had the courage to complain about it like you are. Don't despair, it gets better honey. You're strong and you'll get through this! Hugs x x x
Oh hun how awful for you :hug:

It really hurts :(

With my last Mc I got my booking in letter the day I had to go in for the ERPC but they didn't know and it hurt like hell :cry:

Massive hugs hunny :hug:
its true tho, this automated letter system suck, u would think they would check it before hand.

i have to take my son to the sick kids in edinburgh and then sometimes st johns hospital in livingston, about an hour apart every so often and i swear im ready to swing for the reception woman, shes worse than the woman on that "one born every minute" programme.
shes rude and stupid...well i got my appointment through for my son to see the surgeon, at the edinburgh hosp, i wasnt driving at the time and i went with my mum on the bus and made a day of it, got to the appointment in time and the annoying receptionist blammed us for being at the wrong hosp, we were meant to be at the livingston one, till i shoved the letter in her face and she had to get the manager woman, i wasnt wrong... then she stupidly asked if i could make it to the livingston one.....erm no the appointment is in 20mins time and i cant fly there with my secret flying cape u tool!!!

so yes i agree the automated system is shit.

hope ure feeling better soon xx
Insensitive, thoughtless and negligent - you poor thing to have that happen - big :hug:
hmm, complaints are the only way forward I'm afraid, and even then it doesn't really give you all that much closure, or help with the pain it has caused. There are so many little things that we let go because we make allowances, or simply don't have the energy. The complaints procedure should be more accessible and less daunting, so opinions can be heard and people can voice very real concerns!!
So sorry you had to go through this Rowesb!
It probably sounds mad, but today is as if I have started grieving all over again,
I have an advocate that is helping my with the first complaint, and I have talked about trying to link the issues that I had with my old midwife together with it, but they are really 2 seperate issues. I think I may need to talk to my new midwife, she may be able to raise some level of awareness as she is the top mw in that department... she has been so good already though that I don't want to come across as hassling her...
.... I really don't want to work tomorrow... I'm not sure I can face it, but staffing is shit and after last week I have to go in... they have already been so good...
the distraction may also work..., DH has changed his shift tomorrow so at least we will have tea together and the evening... I've not cried so much for weeks.... STUPID STUPID WOMAN, she even had the cheek to say that I could go back to her clinic if I ever needed...
Having just had mc 3 weeks ago I totally understand where you are coming from with the bad treatment....i won't go into mine cos still quite raw at the moment but the people dealing with women in this situation need to learn that whist we don't want them to sob with us a bit of compassion would be nice!! We might be numbers to them but to us we've just lost a child...

So, so sorry you got that letter hon. Big hugs to you xxxx

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