No appetite!


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Is anybody else struggling to find their appetite?

I'm eating my three meals a day because I have to not because I fancy it or particularly want it!

It's not even to do with sickness because I'm not experiencing any! I had a good appetite before I miss wanting to pig out!! Lol

I'm a bit hit and miss to be honest! Some days I'm starving, and others I barely want to eat anything at all!
I'm like this in the morning more, it slowly comes back throughout the day and then I'm hungry all day! But yes I'm struggling to eat much in the mornings which I never used to xxx
I have it the other way I have to eta first thing or feel sick but then after lunch I rarely want to eat again for the rest of the day
The only thing I fancy and doesn't make me feel bloated is cereal or toast, not very nutritious but I'm hoping I get my appetite back soon!
I lost my appetite from about week 5 and it's only just starting to come back a bit. I just don't fancy anything and somethings turn me right off even though I normally love them. A bit worried cos even though I've been making myself eat 3 meals a day, I have lost 10 lb since finding out I was pregnant. I am overweight so there is plenty to lose without it being too much a problem, I think, but I just don't know.
I wish my appetite would go! Constantly hungry but constantly feeling sick :(


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