Night feed


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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I've been thinking of giving my little girl formula for her bedtime feed, I'm currently bf. I want to do it because I've heard it can help them sleep longer.

I currently feed her at 8pm, put her to bed, do a dream feed about 11-11.30pm. She then wakes about 4 or 5am for a feed then at 9am.

Just wondered if anyone has had any experience doing this & if in fact your baby then slept for longer. She's 9 weeks old & I am wondering if its too early to do this?

Not much help but it didn't work with my son - he was a worse sleeper on formula but my friend gives her 6 week old a bottle of formula before bed and he sleeps better.
I think it's trial and error, but they do settle with their sleeping as they get older x
Hun, I'm afraid it's a myth that formula will help a baby sleep. Yes there will be formula babies who sleep through early, same as there are bf babies who sleep through early. But there are ff babies who are up half the night.

I'm sure you will hear 'it worked for us' but basically it's luck of the draw. TBH - I wouldn't waste the money, but I'm a tight ass. Lol.

Also sounds like what you are getting is pretty standard for a 9 week old. What happens if you don't dream feed - does LO want it or are you doing it from habit. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I ff my daughter and she didn't sleep like your lo until 3/4 months old
Sounds like she's doing fine & dandy by herself

Mummy to Gracie 26/10/11
I tried a couple of times not feeding her when I went to bed & she was up at 1 or 2am so I was more tired, so it just works better if I feed her when I go to bed. Once she starts sleeping longer ill drop the dream feed.

Well that's quite reassuring to hear she sleeps as most do at her age, I just keep getting told by some ppl their babies were sleeping thru about now. I'd rather not have to give her formula tbh I've got quite attached to bf her & feel guilty just thinking about giving her formula.

Ill have a chat to my HV I think too & see what she thinks.

Thanku ladies xx
total myth, i combi fed and my dd slept thru from 12 weeks and i only bf'd during the night and gave formula in the day, she slept worse when i tried just formula at night. plus the bf hormones make it easier for you to go back to sleep after feeds
If the dream feed works for you that's great. I was just wondering. And I hate to say it, but most people who say LOs are 'sleeping through' are probably exaggerating (not all - dont anyone shoot me!) - sleeping patterns are a very sensitive subject and no one seems to want to admit they have a 'bad sleeper' (note ur LO is just perfect for her age.) I meant that perceptively. Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I must admit she has ALWAYS gone straight back to sleep in the night after her feeds.

I suppose it depends on your baby really doesn't it, I'm sure she'll sleep longer when she's good & ready.

Just a heads up Lyla was combi fed for a while bf during day and formula fed at night and she slept exactly the same. It was just easier feeding her while she was still laying down asleep.. She's now fully formula fed and still waking up for feeds every 4 hours at 4 months xx
Well I have decided not to try formula. I dropped her dream feed last night & she slept from 8.30-6.30!


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