NHS parent Ed class


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
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Has anyone done theirs yet? My partner is NOT looking forward to it at all and I'm trying to reassure him it will be useful. He's convinced there is going to be role play (which I don't relish the thought of either!) we're doing the full day one on Sunday.
They don't do them around ours, they offer something on a saturday caled parent craft, not sure if its similar. I imagine them to be like that episode of friends with ross, carol & susan lol x
I havent went this time yet - but went with my first boy.

We didnt do alot of role playing, I thought it would be like what you see on TV but she basically got us all to try breathing techniques and positions but not like loads just a few stand up ones and they showed us the rest.

My OH is really really shy with things like that and he somewhat enjoyed it.. Or atleast found it informative to a degree.

Worst thing is it's been booked for ages and he goes and books a spontaneous boys day out on the sat!! His theory is "it'll be fiiiiiine" and isn't panicking at all like me!!
I'm hoping he finds it useful, he's a bit shy aswell Russell so but as long as he pays attention and doesn't fall asleep I'll be happy!
Aw it's really not as like active as your thinking hopefully he gets a sleep in after his boys day lol get it all out his system.

OH isn't fussed about going this time as he says he knew most of it but I don't believe that because I learned more particularly when talking about labour so I doubt he knew as much as he let on. I'd quite like to go for a refresher. Not sure yet.

It wasn't at all like I thought. Just a casual chat about the basics then dives into labour and how your partner can be supportive etc. Ours was split into two classes.

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Did them when pregnant with my son, they just went over pain relief, coping mechanisms, what to do when you go into labour, types of birth available I.e water birth, it was ok nothing I hadn't already read up on I won't be going a second time but if it's your foist it won't do any harm my hubby didn't want go either there was no role play
Ours is next saturday and they don't do any roleplay whatsoever in our ones, they literally do 4 x 45 minute talks on breast feeding, labour, pain relief and baby care. So tell him no sweat lol I don't think they are like that on the NHS anyway I think maybe they are if you pay for private courses! xx
Went to ours this morning, it's one of three sessions. The midwife talked about signs of labour and then pain relief. Lasted about an hour and a half and was really informative. No role play!

Thanks all, hopefully he'll enjoy it once we're there! We decided to do the all day one instead of splitting it but now thinking the split classes would have been better! Ah well, you love and learn!
Had mine yesterday, first of three, really awkward time slots every Thursday for three weeks of 12.30-2.30pm (thank god I only work across the road in the same hospital!).

I already knew a lot from when I studied as a midwife (only did half the first year but that's all the basics anyway) but was good for hearing my Trust's current policies on delayed cord clamping and being very supportive of keeping active in labour and for use of the birth pools if possible etc.

DH wanted to come as he also missed out on classes when DsS was due but it just wasn't practical for him to come.
Hoping he might make next week's class as he's still actually signed off sick from work.

One poor lady fainted during our class though, she was late in anyway, think she skipped lunch and the room was warm, and once they were going into a bit more detail about the actual birth, she got up to get a drink from the counter on the side, the Student midwife went to do it for her so she could sit back down, but I watched her start bending over forward a bit with her hand to her head and I knew she'd pass out at that point, midwife taking the class obviously saw it too and we both just went straight over to her, I just made a point of moving things out of the way so they could help her properly (right in the corner of the room with a Moses basket, birth ball, toys and dollies etc all over the place). Poor woman must have felt so embarrassed, they took her down stairs to check her BP and make sure she ate something etc. She was on her own, no hubby/partner etc.
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Oh gosh! Poor woman, I'd be mortified. Hope she's ok.
They've told us the room will be warm, why are all rooms hot?!
We only went to a 2 hour thing when I was pregnant with my first, I have avoided things like that this time :) x
I think hospitals are kept warm in general to be honest! On the post delivery ward its like being in a kiln! xx
we had parentcraft around here, was 2 2 hours sessions, one went through what to expect in labour etc and things which are & aren't normal. the other was primarily about breastfeeding and then about 1/2 hour on a couple of basics like how to bath baby & sterilise bottles. that was about it no role play and tbh i didn't find it that helpful
We've just got back and it wasn't that bad! Can't say my OH thoroughly enjoyed it but he stayed the whole day. We had a tour of the birthing suite and delivery unit which I loved and has made me consider water birth or at least using the pool at the start which I had ruled out.

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