Next Gen Consoles


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2013
Reaction score
Just wondering if anybody on here is a bit of a gamer at all? If so, was curious to hear your views on the PS4 Vs Xbox One?
We (husband and I) are by no means serious gamers, we only got a ps3 in December so a bit behind the times! However we would both choose the ps4 over the xbox. Maybe 5 years after launch we will get one haha! Would be interested to see which 'proper' gamers rate.
My OH and I both have a ps3 and no doubt we shall be pre ordering the ps4 lol i better start saving :) I've not had much time for my ps3 lately but I do enjoy playing when I get time.
Hubby and I are serious gamers (met on world of warcraft lol) and we decided to get PS4 after a long search. First of all Xbox has not improved anything (gaming wise) so paying £429 would be pretty much pointless. Also can't share games anymore, sell/ buy 2nd hand games, or play old xbox games on your new console. So looks like it's more of a home entertainment console (not even a gamer friendly one!).
I'm not impressed with either of them really - What I want from a Games console is a single purpose item for playing games. I don't like the way everything is slowly joining together (eg microsoft account for xbox, phone, laptop, tablet etc) as it bugs me on a security level to have such a volume of info attached to one account or the move towards voice control etc as I think voice control is incredibly lazy!

Am happy they're releasing another edition of the 360 as it will enable us to keep picking them up second hand for a few more years if/when our current one gives up the ghost.
My hubby has got every newer console, but he's not a serious gamer but can't be without lol I'm happy withMario or Pr Layton on my 3DS :)
The thing that reallys gets me is the need to connect to the internet at least once every 24hrs or you cant play your games. Its ridiculous! Can they really garentee that their servers wont go down for longer than that? Or that their customers service providers wont go down either?

Me and OH are major xbox fans and he loves the halo series and has fully admitted thats the only reason he would purchase the X1. With us moving out and having LO we dont even know of we can afford the internet.

And call me old fashioned, but i really dont lile the idea of having to have the kinect connected at all time. I think i would get paranoid someone could be watching me.

Microsoft just dont seem to have their customers interests at heart and i never thought id see the day i openly said that id rather get a ps4 than the X1...

Sorry for typos, on phone @work lunch break!

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