News from Nicki??


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Has anyone heard from Nicki - I don't think she's been on in a while, wonder if she has had her baby? Ooh I hope so :pray:

She was on yesterday but not noticed her on today.

Good Luck Nicki :dance:
oh yeah she had to monitored yesterday as baby wasn't moving that much, so they may have kept her in.

Thinking of you nicki :D
Hi All,

Thanks so much for thinking of me but i'm still here with a big bump :( . I've just been doing other things so haven't had time to post.

We went to have LO monitored coz his movements had slowed too much but the little tinker woke up, got the hiccups and wiggled for England as soon as i was strapped up to the machine! typical man :lol: so they just said to keep an eye on him and to go back if he stops moving so much again, he's still been v.quiet but he's ok, thank God.

I saw the consultant this morning to chat about an induction & even though they say they would only induce if I was 2 weeks over due they have agreed to do it in a weeks time (if he hasn't graced us with his presence in the mean time! :pray: ) because i'm in enough pain as it is without going for another 2 weeks with my bad back & spd so i'm booked in for an induction next Thurs night. Really hoping he'll come before then though.

Anyhoo, thank you again for your thoughts, it means alot :D

Nicki.x :D
Glad your ok hun.

Thought they had kept you in!!
Glad you are ok nicki, but sorry you haven't had LO - Good luck and I hope that it happens before next Thurs for you :pray:


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