Newbie :-)


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Jun 1, 2011
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Hi Guys

Im new to the pregnancy/conceiving lark!
Just introducing myself....

Im 28, live with partner and trying for our first child togther. Been only trying for a week so a longgggg wait ahead!

history - had a termination at 26. Nothing else.

Looking forward to getting the ''know how'' on pregnancy!:)
Hiya welcome to the forum. You've come to the right place there is loads of info here as well as a few rants and laughs. Good luck with ttc. Be prepared to become a bit obsessed with it!
lol thanks....I already am! hence searching for all this forum and info stuff whilst on late shift at work!!

WhoopisE!!! :)
Hiya and welcome to the forum :)

Was the termination with the same guy or a different one? I'm just curious lol ;)

Let the craziness commence! :oooo:
Hey hunni, welcome to the forum!

You will quickly fit in and become obsessed :) xx
Hi and welcome:wave:

I'm TTC for the 1st time too. This is our first month. Hope your stay here is short:)
Thanks everyone.

@ Louise B - no it was a different guy. Was wrong time, wrong place, wrong finances and wrong man!! :)
just a quick question anyone!

at what time can you take your first test?!


After my period due date or before?
Depends on the test sensitivity hun, some can pick up as early as 5 days before your missed period. But to save squinting at lines like most of us impatient ladies :whistle: .. it is more advisable to wait until a missed period xx
Yeah I guess so...all these shorthand phrases like BPF BFP BB...BP.. etc etc...Ive not a clue! haha!

My waitin time is 23rd June then! Lovely! lol x
Hi there starstruck! I am new too!!! Good luck darling! hope you get what your after! I remeber being obsessed with forum when preganant with my daughter! I now think I shal become equaly as obsessed on this TTC forum!!! good luck girlies xxx
Welcome and good luck!!

I'm new too and the girls on here are so supportive. It's like a daily confession for me!!

Welcome and good luck!!

I'm new too and the girls on here are so supportive. It's like a daily confession for me!!

Hi starstruck, good luck with ttc! There is a guide to all the abbreviations somewhere on the site...

Welcome and good luck. I'm totally obsessed, in my 3rd month of trying so starting to go from obsessed to slightly neurotic lol. No really welcome, you will find lots of info and lots of very friendly people on here to help you with whatever you need. Xx
Hi Starstuck, welcome to this addictive forum. I'm new on here and already I'm constantly checking in. I've got work at 7am and I'm here so late. Good Luck with TTC and try to enjoy the journey xx
Hi, welcome and good luck on your TTC journey :dust:

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