Newbie to site, TTC and needing advice!


Jan 8, 2017
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Ok so I am new to the site and to forums in general so firstly I have no idea what the abbreviations all mean apart from the one that applies to me (TTC!!) so any help with those will be greatly appreciated!xx
My gorgeous man and I decided to try for a baby in May 2016 and I came off the pill expecting the following month or two to have fallen pregnant. As each month passes and my period arrives I feel so disheartened and gutted it is really upsetting me and my partner tells me to stop worrying so much (impossible)!
My periods are as regular as clockwork so I've never had a problem there. I had been on the pill for 14 or 15 years (had a 3 month break a couple of years ago). Am on Slimming World to lose some weight as is always recommended by doctors (am currently 12 stone 4lb and wanting to get to 10 stone)
7 or 8 years ago I had a minor operation to remove a tiny piece of my cervix which was growing the wrong way (it was cauterised while I was under general anaesthetic and I was home the same evening) At the time I remember the gynaecologist saying that he was not sure if the operation would affect my chances of conceiving but at the time I wasn't bothered as I didn't want children then. I have mentioned this to my GP recently who said they wouldn't consider doing any tests until we have been TTC for at least a year!
We are following an app to monitor my fertile days etc.
All I keep getting told by friends is to "stop thinking about it and it will happen". That is impossible when it's something I am so desperate for. Help!! Any advice will be greatly appreciated xxxx
Welcome! Its easy for people to say it will happen when you least expect it, while that might usually be the case it wont help. There is a sticky somewhere that explains the abbreviations.

DPO is days past ovulation, OPK is ovulation predictor kit, BD is baby dance DTD is doing the deed/dance. DH is dear husband, DD is dear daughter, DS is dear son... just to name a few!
Hi there,
I hate when people say that :-/
I have PCOS and been not trying not preventing since 2012, we recently confirmed we would give it 100% but people saying 'oh it'll happen, such a body has PCOS and they have kids'
Sod off :-l lol
I would maybe go to the doctors and say you've been trying for a year can you do some tests to eliminate some things that may be stopping me becoming pregnant?
My husband had to do a sperm analysis too, so it's not just you who has to be prodded and poked lol
I track my periods and ovulation days too but with opks, you can get a bunch of cheap ones on eBay for a reasonable amount. I have recently switched to clear blue but not sure if I prefer them over the cheaper ones as it contains the blue dye.
Trust in your body's signs of ovulation, a lot of women temp and check their cervical mucus etc
Yes, I would use opks. Apps are good IF you ovulate at 'normal' time. You could be Dtd at the wrong time lol.

Good luck x
Hi and welcome to PF!

It's so frustrating when people tell you to relax and stop stressing, and usually it's the people who've never had to struggle that say it!! It can be totally normal for a healthy couple to take up to a year so from that point try not to worry too much that something could be wrong. Before you go see your GP I would definitely start doing ovulation tests, from my experience with GPs one of the first things they ask is are you testing for ovulation to make sure you're getting that LH surge and timing sex correctly. I'd just get the cheap ones from Amazon and test twice a day from cd10.

I've also had my cervix cauterised but was never told it would cause any issues with TTC. When you do go to your GP (if it doesn't happen before then) I would mention it to him just in case.

Good luck xx
Thank you for your advice. Think I will try the ovulation kits and see how I get on with them. Surely they'll be more accurate than an app on a phone. Going for a smear test this week so will ask for some further advice too regarding cervix. Xx
Yeah it definitely will. That's good you're getting a smear, explain to the nurse before hand and ask her to get a good look at your cervix! Xx

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