Newbie question


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2011
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Today, 19:42 PM * #52
Hi ladies
Just joined this site and hope you don't mind me butting in
I've been reading up on cbfm and they seem great however I've been TTC since June after coming off the depo
injection in which I was on for 9 months however since being on and off I've not had a period
Therefore I'm I able to use this - I have no idication as to when I'm
Ovulating and really wish tc
Hello Heywood,
I was on the depo shot for 9 months from jan -sept 2010. I was told when I came off the shot it can take up to a year for periods to return but everyone is different. I was really lucky and had my first AF 2 months after the shot ran out although it was not what I would class as "normal". Until that first AF you can't really track ovulation as its impossible to know and even then your cycle may not settle for a while. I don't know too much about the cbfm as I didn't use it but I did think you had to use it from the beginning of your cycle but I could be wrong.
As you can see from my ticker I'm due in 18 days so it is possible to fall quite quickly after getting your AF back. I will warn you that I had loads of pregnancy symptoms after coming off the depo while my body adjusted to the hormones again.
Good luck and hope you get some answers
Cat x
I had great success with one step ic's... They are really cheap and can tell you when your ov'ing

Maybe a cheaper option than the cbfm x x x
Thanks for that ladies
I have noticed a few symptoms but I read that these were just side effects
I won a cbfm on eBay for £38 so I haven't spent a fortune and at least I can use it when something kick starts.

I've read and I hope I'm correct that without having an af I'm still able to
Ovulate is that correct? as not every cycle means you ovulate - hopin I've got that right lol

Would you if you were me go to the drs to see about the af's or just wait incase like you said it can take up to a year to sort itself out - just that I've read stories on women who found out they had problems etc that got detected or some who found out they were ovulating.
I just don't want to go and the dr to just laugh an tell me to run alon and let nature take it's course
I would go to the Dr to discuss things if you want to hun, then they know and you know where you are. I'm not sure if there is anything they can give to bring AF on. I went to my Dr to discuss things a couple of times after finishing the depo x x x

I would go to the Dr just for advice and reassurance :)

Also, I use the CBFM and you can't start using it until day one of your cycle (so the first day of period), I would maybe try some ovulation tests until period comes and you can then start with the monitor. Lots of luck to you :dust: x
Thanks I think that sounds like a good IDE
I'm going to see the nurse next week and I'll buy some cheap opks instead

I've told the lady I no loner require the cbfm and would happily pay for the coat of relishing
I think thats fair

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