Newbie - need your help ladies


New Member
Jul 27, 2016
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Hi everyone! :wave:

I'm a totally newbie to the board and also newly trying to conceive.

First of all, I would so appreciate if someone could give me a breakdown of the abbreviations that you guys use! That would be so helpful!

So my story is...I've been on the depo injection for around 10 years. I had my last jab mid December then decided not to go back. I've had a few random bleeds since then but felt like I had my first period 7th July which lasted for a week. The deed was done on the 17th and 21st and for the past 2 days I've had some brown discharge and my stomach feels like I've been doing sit-ups. I'm hoping this is a sign but maybe it's just my body getting back to normal after the depo injection. What do you guys think?

Love Toni xx
Welcome Toni,

which abbreviations dont you understand?

Sounds promising but i have to say coming off the depo can you give lots of pregnancy symptoms. i took alot of test when i came off it.

I was on for just under two years and this is my 11th month TTC.

They say it can take up to a year to come out of your system and conceive but i have read on forums that some ladies catch on straight away. My Oh has 2 children from a previous r/ship and his oldest was conceived whilst the mum was on the depo!

Hi there!

Umm, DPO, BFP, all those sorts? I'm really not familiar lol.

it's crazy isn't it how different everyone is?! Some fall on it or straight away after and others can take years. It's such a waiting game! It annoys me even more now when I see programmes like Jeremy Kyle when people have one night stands and fall pregnant no problem!

Thank you so much for replying and I hope you get a little one soon!!

Love Toni xx
Ok let me think....

AF is Aunt Flow (period) could also be called witch - nobody likes her lol!
CD is cycle day
DPO is days past ovulation
BFp is big fat positive (pregnancy or opk test) also BFN which is negative
CM is cervix mucus
EWCM is egg white cervix mucus which is your body telling you that you are higly fertile so do the deed
BD/DTD is baby dance/do the deed or have sex LOL!
CP is cervix position
Temping/BBT is checking your temp every morning, just started this and wish i had done it ALOT sooner.

If i think of anymore i will let you know, there is alot haha! and alot that goes into TTC. you will find yourself on google loads but this forum has some lovely ladies on that are more than willing to help and share experience etc.

I know all my friends have babies and NONE of them were planned :(

Depending on how serious you want to start out i would highly suggest starting temping. it shows you if you pop an egg out (ovulate) and also if you have to go the doctors for any reason they can look at this also downloading a period/ovulating tracker app. i have FF which is fertility friend you can also put your temps in this. Its free but you can pay and upgrade which i have finally done :)

Thank you and baby dust to you Toni xx

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