Newbie! Help us please!

Hi! You'll find lots of women on this site with lots of ways to help. Some are experience mamas and some are TTC like me!

There is a lot of info on ovulation and TTC on the net, and it can be daunting. The best discovery for me was the concept of charting temperatures (although I'm not doing it anymore) and watching cervical mucous. I don't know if you've heard of this, I certainly hadn't until doing my google searches! When your body is getting ready to ovulate, the cervix opens up and it releases mucous that actually helps move sperm along into the cervix and up to the egg. It seems to start off crumbly and eventually becomes very stretchy and like egg whites. That's the best time to BD, we're told, because the mucous is at its best quality to help the sperm, and because it indicates impending ovulation.

Hope this helps!
I can only suggest Toni Weschlers book "taking charge of your fertility".. it is a fab book and taught me everything I needed to know about my cycle and possible problems and also how best to conceive.. it is such a useful book!!

As Margaret says.. charting is great... thats all I did too.. temps and CM helped me realise I was ovulating around day 12 instead of day 14 as originally thought.

Good luck.

Cannot advise as to having children so close together.. I think if you are ready and you and OH have clearly thought hard about it then go for it.. only you can know if it is too soon or not!

Amen, Toni Weschler's "Taking charge of your fertility" is an extremely informative book. It really helped me understand my body. Good luck!
I think you're very brave to be having another so close especially after a preemie - I'd of loved to have a baby very close to Damien. Good luck TTC hun - hope the next one cooks a bit longer! You can conceive straight away after having a baby as I think you ovulate between 3 - 9 weeks after babe being born, and you'll ovulate before getting your first proper AF after Harry.

Good luck with getting your BFP :)

Harry was prem, but to be honest he's been the perfect baby and I've been so lucky with him. Even when he was born he had an Apgar score of 9 and always progressed forward every day. So maybe I'm not brave as such!

Still I hope things are a little easier next time. Seeing him in SCBU for two weeks wasn't very nice. I hope it's not in my genes to have prem babies!

Thanks everyone xxx
I defo recommend the toni weschler book.

i conceived on the first attempt after using her advice.

(Mind you it takes a couple of months to get used to how your cycle works)

Once you've learnt your cycle, it should be a doddle.

But I reckon it would be more fun to just have lots of cuddles that aren't planned and just let nature take its course.

i agree with sarah on her last comments just enjoy yourself and dont take it too seriously for a few months and see what happens if after a few months nothing happens then look into it a bit more deeply all the best hun and remember everyone will be here for you xxx

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