new to tri 2 - confused about suppliments


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2012
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Afternoon ladies :wave:

So excited to be in tri 2!!!

I have been taking folic acid but it says to take for first three months, the ones i have been taking are Sanatogen mother to be. Do i stop taking this now? or is there any other vitamins or suppliments i should be taking instead? owe im so confused lol

Hope everyone is well x
Hey I take pregnancare vitamins, think it covers most if not all things xx
Me too. Tesco have them on a 3 for 2 offer on at the moment I think. It's got your folic acid in it as well as everything else :)
Thank you ladies, owe will defo pop to tesco then cheers for the help x
I'm just wondering if anybody who takes those takes them with their main meal each day? I keep forgetting to take them with my dinner! (Mind and body just goes FOOOD! and then it's allllll gone :() And when I eat out or at my parents house I keep forgetting to take them with me.

Would it be really bad of me to just take them at breakfast with my cereal? Cause at least then I'm always going to remember them.
Are you meant to take them with food? I've just been popping pregnacare whenever I remember-normally first thing in the morning xxx
They say to take with the main meal. I'm doing that this time round as last pregnancy I took the vitamins in the morning (not pregnacare that time) and got really bad headaches. I expect it's just gentler on a full stomach and that's why they suggest it with your main meal. I'd try it after cereal and see if you get stomach ache or anything and if not, carry on taking it that time of day instead.
I take pregnancy support from Boots which has everything in it, only about £4 for a months worth and I have a reminder on my phone for just after lunch otherwise is definitely forget!! X
Thanks, think I'll give it a go then :) There's too much to remember during pregnancy as it is! lol

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