New Born Clothes


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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How many do you buy everyone keeps telling me to get 0-3 months, but surely you need some new born babygrows and sleepsuits for the first few weeks. :think:
You do need a few because they get pood/weed/puked on, but not too many. After all you don't know how big your baby will be. If you have a smallish baby you may need quite a few newborn size.. Ryan was 8lb 7oz and we found we hardly used a lot of them but we hadn't bought them as relatives had bought them for us.

Sorry that didn't really help did it :?
charlotte was 7lb10.. and newborn sleep suits were to big for her..i have 2 tiny baby suits up to about 8lb i think.. and 2 newborn.. and thats 2 pairs of newborn trousers and a top..people buy u loads.. so dont go nuts
I had newborn clothes for Tia.. but tbh... you don't need them and they are a waste of money...

With babygros and such.. I put Tia straight into 0 -3 months.... and rolled up the sleeves and put little socks over the feet of her babygrows to keep it on her feet...

If you buy newborn... you'll be lucky to get a few weeks out them unless you give birth to a tiny baby (around 6lb)... anything bigger than 7lb.. you won't use them much and you're cheapest best is to buy 0-3. This time round.. I brought loads of socks and I have no new born clothes cept one baby gro and pack of baby vests for my hosptial bag.
Don't buy expensive ones - cheapy stuff from Matalan or the supermarkets are just fine because they do grow out of them quickly. In fact, some of Woolworths newborn stuff was too short for Finlay from the start -his toes were pushing against the ends of the feet.
It does depend on the size of your baby - but length as well as weight, Mine was 7.2lb and 47cms and I used newborn baby gros for about a month. The 0-3 month ones were way too big until then but mainly because she was quite short :) and it was nice to have some things that fitted properly. I didn't buy any newborn clothes though, just baby gros.
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mostly had 0-3mths, the newborn stuff was eityher used once or not at all :roll:
I would buy 0-3months to start with, then when baby arrives if s/he's really small you can send OH to the supermarket to pick up a few cheap newborn bits :D
paris was 7.1 and newborn stuff didn't really fit as she was soooo long
We have put newborn clothes away for the next baby (!!! Not for a couple of years!) that still have the tags on them.
Jess was born 5lb14 so newborn sleepsuits were far too big for her we had to go and buy tiny baby size. Shes weighs 8lb3 now and is now wearing the newborn size. I would suggest getting a few newborn and then if you need more sending someone out to buy more once your Lo is born. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Ladies theres some good advice there.
ive got way too much newborn stuff lol oh well :lol: its all so loverly tho !
I'd say to make their first outfit a newborn, but otherwise I'd say to buy 0-3 because as others have said, newborn isn't really used, and LO's grow so quickly they can be a waste if you buy lots, depends how much money you have I suppose :lol: Buy more 0-3, and get some 3-6 in too, you'll be surprised how quickly LO will be in those :shock: very best wishes :hug:
Isla was very short when she was born and at a whopping 8lb 12 you would have thought she'd have been too big for newborn but no, we had to go to mothercare and buy tiny baby size and she was in them for about 4 weeks then into newborn for another 3/4 weeks. Even the midwives couldnt beleive her weight as physically she looked tiny.

How weird is that? :think: Must be like mummy and have heavy bones. i am 11 stone normally and only a size 10/12 and 5 foot 6.
0-3 will be more cost effective. They are hardly in newborn ones
My baby was 6lb 9oz and I was using newborn stuff for a good 10 weeks and im still using 0 - 3 now :D it all depends on the size
It really depends on size of your baby. We didnt use newborn until Maddison was about 10 weeks, until then we had her in prem baby and dolls clothes (she was 4lbs 15oz at birth). She has just started wearing 0-3 now :wink:
One or two babygro's and vests in newborn is enough! My son is 6 weeks old and has already outgrown these AND 0-3, I've been cursing as they were all nice outfits from next and now they all too small :x
Nicola xx

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