New - Advice on cramps please!


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2009
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I am 28 yrs old and I am 5 weeks pregnant so early early stages. My first baby with boyf!

Very excited but been having pains similar to period cramps for about 4 days now, have been told its normal...can anyone else put my mind at rest?? I keep going to the loo to make sure I am not worried my anxiety is going to make something go wrong...arrgghh!


Congratulations on your pregnancy!!

I had cramps up until i was about 7 weeks pregnant and was told it was perfectly normal. Mine we like my period was coming. Also, around the time my next period was due i got a few but nothing major, still normal.

Like you i was running to the loo every few minutes to check but i think thats normal aswell. :lol:

I hope your mind is put at ease :) Try not to panic, i know its easy for me to say.

Katie xxx
:wave: Welcome and congrats :)

It's totally normal. Early pregnancy symptoms are very similar to period type symptoms.
Thank you so really does help hearing it from someone else. I think my hormones are running away with me today!

I am hoping to see if i can request a early scan to put all my worries at ease!
Not sure where you are but early scans are very hard to come by on the NHS unless you have a specific problem in your medical history. If you do have one they will often not give you one at 12 wks because obviously funds are tight or we'd all love an early one! The 12 wk one is great because you get to see a baby where as early scans are great for reassurance but not much to look at.

I paid for an early one this time as I lost my 12 wk scan after an early to suspected ectopic with my last one. It cost £65 and was well worth it to see the little bean's HB flickering away at about 8 wks :)
I think I am going to pay to have early scan. I need the reassurance, am hoping my stress levels will then reduce dramatically!!

good luck hun, streching pains are really common so try not to worry, :hug:
Thanks I booked my first scan privately today, phoned the midwife at the surgery not very helpful saying it was impossible to get scan even if I wanted to pay for one. After some tears to my Mum - I react over the smallest things at the mo! - I googled it and have my first scan on Friday 8th January!!!
about 8 I think Lisa as Duckanddoodle is the same number of weeks as me....
Thanks Rowes - That's good then. You'll be able to see a heartbeat at 8 wks! :yay:
Yup think it will be 7 weeks and a bit...will be getting very excited. Hopefully Christmas and then week holiday in Lake District will distract me enough until then...cannot wait!

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