
Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Me again, well i just been to docs and the wee test (from last thur)has come bak negative!!!! 12 days late now and still no period. Im going out of my mind, what is happening to me if im not preg, why the discharge and no period>??????????
after bein 12 days late my self my af showed but was on and off then stopped. i had the symptoms and discharge and my bbs are still very achy that i want to cry. i have to go for a blood test on the 21st cycle day (16 days time) to check my hormones.

book an appointment with your doctor and get it sorted hun
Unfortunately there's all sorts of things which could be going on. I had this sort of thing happen a couple of times when we first started TTC (having had a regular 30 day cycle for quite some time). On one occasion I was 26 days late before af finally deigned to arrive and I'd had all sorts of symptoms! My theory at the time was that it was owing to my husband smoking a joint a day. Cannabis is supposed to interfere with fertility. However, my doctor said that it was a hormone imbalance and prescribed me painkillers because the resulting period was very heavy and painful.

Equally, many women experience an anovulatory (sp?) cycle at least once during their reproductive years. This simply means that they don't ovulate that month and they effectively skip one period.

Other than that, cysts will cause hormonal changes, stop periods etc too.

And there is the possiblity that you are one of those women who either have to wait a long time for a positive or who require a blood test to confirm pregnancy.

Either way, these are options that your GP should explore with you in order to put your mind at rest. And if there is a possibility that it is a cyst, then they will need to scan you anyway in order to determine location and size.

I really hope that you are just one of those women who has to wait a bit longer for their positive though!
Hi Tara

I have had some symptoms too, really sore boobs discharge etc,,,even a brown bleed and neg neg neg tests, I had a blood test to see if i was preg from my last cycle, i wasn't, all I can hope is that in a weeks time which should be enough HcG for my next cycle...
I hope you get your BFP soon, I am hoping for mine.
A few years back i thought i was pregnant, had the same symptoms as you, was really late. I was told by my doctor that it is possible to miss a period, and if i missed my next one that i should come back again.

I did have my next period, was gutted. I have just found out that i am pregnant, and the symptoms were so so strong! I waited 2 weeks before i tested and near enough straight away i got my BFP!
Hi guys

well after all that it turns out i am defo not pregnant! ended up going to hospital with slight stomach cramps and still a bit or brown spotting now and again when i wipe and they did a test there and then, came back neg! so they then did blood tests and that showed no HCG so defo not pregnant. They then asked me to see a doc to hvae an internal as my white cells were up slightly, turns out i had a slight infection and have just finished antibiotics. Scary though and horrible in a way to think i have an infection down there but apprantly its quite common!

oh well theres plenty of time yet!
Sorry to hear that TaraG :hug:

I am 9 days late and still getting BFNs, I think I should start accepting the fact that I am also not pregnant too :(
Yeh just might be worth getting checked out. x Good luck to all
Actually i did not have an infection, my results came back today and all is clear! so what is up with me! still getting the spotting, been 2 weeks now, weird ey?!!?! anyone else had this??
my sister has this too, she went from a 28 day cycle to 60 even 70. Could be stress? are you over weight? (i dont mean that in a rude way, shes been told that could be the problem) it might not be the same thing though. :hug:
No not over weight, im 23 and 5ft 6, weighing 9st 3.
Still seeing discharge but more of a period now i strange. I think i will just have to put it down to stress delaying it or something!
Ill keep trying though, its always fun trying ey! lol
I had one bit of pink/brown discharge! i thought it was the start of my period and cos i was worrying i thought it had been delayed turns out im pregnant after all found out today!

Have fun trying ul get lucky soon i expect!


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