Negative Shop Asst!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2005
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Hi everyone,

After finally getting past the 3 month mark (and my first scan) i began to feel more confident about people knowing and started to get a little excited about presents for my little chip.

Was really upset when i took OH into The Bear Factory to get a little bear made for my little one. Shop asst asked when the baby was due and when i told her she replied with 'oh i'm very superstitious i wouldn't start buying yet just in case'.

Do i have to wait until the anomoly scan to be excited?! Give me a break! This is supposed to be a lovely time and now i'm filled with worry again.

Cheer me up mums! x
Awwww!!!! ((hugs))

you carry on and enjoy getting excited. :D You are over what they call the danger period (although there is a very very very small risk as with any pregnancy)

i brought lots of stuff after about 10 weeks, now that was alittle risky!!! :?
You start buying stuff when YOU want to hun - we know in our bodies when it's right so go with it and enjoy!!
Thanx Kerry and Honey7733 that's just what i needed!

Just curious but how often did you see/are you seeing your midwife? I saw her first for booking in at about 9 wks and briefly at 12wk scan but haven't heard any more.

Do i just wait until the anomoly scan now at 20wks or should i see someone before that? I'm delivering in an MLU and so the MW comes to my house.

Cheers chicks xx
i meet my midwife at 12 weeks then 20, 26,30,34,36,38 40

or there abouts i think :?
How rude!! I think that's terrible what that assistant said to you and very unprofessional. I bought stuff at about 6/7 weeks!!
Thats awful. I was like Kim, I was buying stuff real early into my pregnancy (16 wks now). Ignore what the shop asst said, you do what feels right and if you want to shop for baby then you do so hun

x x x x
Hi Girls

Shopping can be a painful expeirence - read what happened to me in Gap last weekend (in the first trimester forum)

Honnestly what do they teach their staff!!!??? :roll:

L x
I bought loads of stuff at 7 weeks - pram, cot, car seat etc. Though I bought it off of Ebay so it didn't feel strange. These shop assistants need to learn to keep their opinions to themselves!

I saw my midwife at 5 weeks, 10 weeks (booking in), 12 week scan (saw a different midwife), 16 weeks, 20 weeks scan (saw a different midwife) and am seeing my midwife on Tuesday for my 24 week appointment. Then I think I see her every 3 weeks.
We bought the cot and pram reasonably early on, though it wasn't the shop assistants who were negative, it was certain family members, saying they "would never dream of buying a cot or pram until AFTER the baby was born - buying them early was tempting fate."

So am I now to feel guilty if anything happens, as if it's because I went and bought a cot and a pram and 'tempted fate'? I DON'T THINK SO - I do wish all of these people would keep their insensitive and unwanted comments to themselves.


GGGrrrrr, rude person. some people should mind their own business!!!
ive gone a little mad with the shopping since the 12 wk scan, its totally personal, so if your comfortable buying, then get spending chick!
Thanku to all of you brilliant mums2be that have responded to my nasty experience.

It's been really reassuring :D and i will now feel no guilt when buying for my little chip. In fact i can't wait. Just wanna know whether it's a girl or boy now!!

Lots o love xxx
i've been buying things since just after my first scan at about 9 weeks! even bought a cot, and have decided on a pram too. (only reason i'm holding back just a tad is, i'm due 2nd of feb and i want to see what santa might bring for x-mas! my parents might buy us the carrycot for the travel system if we're lucky!)

most pregnancies progress normally, but if things do go wrong it certainly has nothing to do with whether you have bought things or not! (i'm not a believer in the "tempting fate" theory!)

for me part of the joy of being pregnant is preparing for baby, and buying things for the little one makes me happy. and a happy mummy = a happy baby!

enjoy your shopping and don't let people like that get you down! imagine how smug you'll feel when you've finished most of your baby shopping early and then you see other heavily pregnant women struggling in the shops in the last few weeks - while you can put your feet up and get all the rest in the world coz you're all sorted! :D
Buy buy buy, and stuff the rude shop assistants. I you wanna buy you buy. I still dont really feel pregnant dispite a little tiny scan pic in my wallet from yesterday, BUT i will when i get paid and go shopping and get some bits for my little bubs!

It is you choice and as someone has already said ' buying cots / prams/ clothes and all the other things that make you feel nice does not alter the course of fate!!! What a load of rubbish that you cant buy things until later on.

What would they say if they knew at 11 weeks (ticker wrong) that i have already painted my rather empty nursery in yellow and green!!!

Let them bitch, they are all jealous cos years ago everything was tradition and they are bitter cos we get fancy scans that they didnt get! he he !

You go girl! :D
Hi Ladies

I started getting stuff from other people since the very beginning, my friends aunt told my friend not to give me anything till later on because she had bad luck with buying stuff early, i think its all in there heads babys miscarry because there is somthing wrong with them ,so dont worry about buying anything. Keep your head up and buy buy buy.
Well take care :)
I am 13 weeks now and have just ordered a little new born outfit with some maternity stuff I ordered. I felt a bit unsure at first but I have always felt that things are ok and are going to be ok. I know I can't be too confident but I do think we know our bodies best and if it feels right to buy the baby stuff then so we should!!

My husband and I were looking at prams at the weekend and have now decided on one but haven't ordered it yet, only because their is a new model coming out in October which is nicer so we are waiting for that.

Go with your insitinct - isn't that what got us all in to this situation in the first place :wink: why break the habit of a lifetime :p
Ally said:
Go with your insitinct - isn't that what got us all in to this situation in the first place :wink: why break the habit of a lifetime :p

Superb comment i love it! How true!

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