I have realised how much good it is to go out during the day, it helps keeping your sanity and dealing better with your baby!!!
I decided to treat myself to the hairdresser this morning, first time in 6 weeks, thought I deserved it. So i expressed 200 ml with my electric expressing machine ( this is a godsent!!!) and let Thomas to my partner from 11.30 till 2 pm. Had my hair cut quite short with a fringe ( did not have had a fringe since the age of 14, am 28!!!) and some highlights at the front!!! Am so pleased with it because it does change my face totally, do not know if it is for better or worse yet but I needed a change, which was successful!!!
Then i went to my first session of baby group, a bit of waste of time content wise but at least i was out with other mums and you could breastfeed freely without anybody loking at you weirdly !!! Once the session finished, I went shopping and bought a jumper, has to be size 18/20 (cannot beleive I was a 14!!!)
It has made such a difference to my mood!!!! I took Thomas'crying for food much better and he is now sleeping!!!!
Am going to cook now and if i have a bit of time, I will shave my gorilla legs lol, want to wear a skirt tomorrow
I have realised if I do not do things for myself a bit, I would lose it. I scored 12 on the post natal depression, do not think i am near this at all, just think I need to go out more to keep me sane and allow my brain to have some fresh air.
I have realised how much good it is to go out during the day, it helps keeping your sanity and dealing better with your baby!!!
I decided to treat myself to the hairdresser this morning, first time in 6 weeks, thought I deserved it. So i expressed 200 ml with my electric expressing machine ( this is a godsent!!!) and let Thomas to my partner from 11.30 till 2 pm. Had my hair cut quite short with a fringe ( did not have had a fringe since the age of 14, am 28!!!) and some highlights at the front!!! Am so pleased with it because it does change my face totally, do not know if it is for better or worse yet but I needed a change, which was successful!!!
Then i went to my first session of baby group, a bit of waste of time content wise but at least i was out with other mums and you could breastfeed freely without anybody loking at you weirdly !!! Once the session finished, I went shopping and bought a jumper, has to be size 18/20 (cannot beleive I was a 14!!!)
It has made such a difference to my mood!!!! I took Thomas'crying for food much better and he is now sleeping!!!!
Am going to cook now and if i have a bit of time, I will shave my gorilla legs lol, want to wear a skirt tomorrow

I have realised if I do not do things for myself a bit, I would lose it. I scored 12 on the post natal depression, do not think i am near this at all, just think I need to go out more to keep me sane and allow my brain to have some fresh air.