Need To Make A Decision - Vaginal vs Ceserean


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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I've got my next consultant appointment on 9th August (32 weeks) & I've been told that's when I have to give my final decision on wether I want a vaginal birth or a ceserean, but I don't know, obviously their are positives & negatives for both. I've spoken to DH & he's no help :roll: & I've done my research on both which absolutely terrified me!

I had to have an emergancey ceserean with DS & to this day the pain afterwards of the drain coming out of my stomach still makes me feel ill & I really wanted the chance to experience a natural birth this time.

However, I have serious concerns about a natural birth due to mental health issues which I fear will cause anxiety & distress not just for me but also for LO. There's also the matter of the possibility of DH being away when I go into labour resulting in me having to do it alone (there is no way anyone else is coming in with me, the only person I would even consider is my Nan & she will be looking after DS). But then there's the complications of having a second ceserean :wall2:

Any advice?
I've been thinking this over myself recently just incase something happens and I can't do it naturally and basically the answer I keep coming back to is "if its safer for baby then yes".
I will defo be hoping for a natural birth but if I get told that for whatever reason it would be safer to have a c section then I would do it. I just want baby here safe and to me that's the most important thing.

Hmm it's a really tough decision for you to make.

Have you tried making a list of the pros and cons for each? Some things I might be considering if I was in your situation are that a planned c section would probably be a much more pleasant experience than your first as that was an emergency. On the other hand as you already have a DS to consider a natural birth might be preferable as your recovery should be a lot quicker.

Hope you can come to a decision you are happy with xxx
yep, did a pro's + con's list & they were pretty equal, thanks hun, me too x
What does your consultant advise hun?

I'd have a good chat at your next appointment and see what he/she thinks as they know your history best.

Had a different consultant last time (she was helping him) & she's not keen on the idea though said to do some research & discuss it with my consultant at my next appointment, but my actual consultant (who I saw the time before) was happy either way, infact he seemed quite surprised when I initialy said about a vaginal birth but said I wouldn't be able to have the water birth I wanted as they'd need to monitor LO closely. Threw me a little as I was relying on that for pain relief as I don't like G+A & don't want an epidural as want to be able to walk around when the pain starts :/ x
A c-sectin js a super heavy operation and an extreme impact on your body. Everytime you undergo one it makes the risks igger. Why not opt for natural and if t doesn't work out whilst trying you can always get the operation
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The risks of a section (eg, rupture, infection, mortality, baby health) are greater than those of a VBAC. It is major abdominal surgery.

I've been researching constantly for the last few months. I have loads of facts/figures, but don't want to bore you with those if you don't want them. The latest advice from NICE is that a VBAC mother isn't at greater risk than any other first time mother, and is to be treated as such. Therefore, I know of loads of women who have had a waterbirth for their VBAC. This is what I am asking for tomorrow, when I see my consultant.

At the end of the day, you have to go with the option that you feel most comfortable with. And I suppose it depends on the reasons for your previous section. Your consultant should have your full hisotry to hand, and be able to advise far better than we can.
Stats aside, the main thing that swings it for me is that I want to be mobile immediatetly, and to be able to lift, carry, bend, be on the floor - etc - with my little girl. I will find it easier to care for her (and the newborn) without having had my stomach sliced apart again.
If it doesn't go to plan, and I end up having a section - that's fine too. As long as baby arrives safely, I'm happy.
What is your gut feeling on it?

(by the way, you don't have to make up your mind until your in labour! You are free to change your mind at any time).
The one thing I would say about c-sec....I was speaking to a friend of mine, and she has had one emergency c-sec and one planned (second one was breech baby, and she was advised against VBAC due to risk). She said the difference between emergency and planned was massive, and her recovery was better with the planned c-sec too. I think this is something to do with the trauma to muscles etc when they are relaxed versus when they are already contracting.
I guess what I am saying is that your experience of an emergency C-section is likely to be nothing like that of a planned.
Hi! I had a planned c-section aneven though I was scared (what is natural) I am so glad I did! Their was about 10 people in the room looking after me, they was all smiling, music was playing, really nice atmosphere :)

It's a hard one Hun as it is a personal choice, even when I was in the hospital waiting I chatted to 3 other women in there and they was very supportive saying how easy relaxed and stress free it was BUT I was still really scared!

IF you do have a C-Section you will need help for a few days after as the pain (specially the next day when they let you go home) is BAD.....saying that some of the mums there was up the next day showering and stuff but I could hardly walk :-/ but I don't regrete it as after a few days things get better :)

I hope what ever you decide what to do that all goes well for you Hun xx
Thank you ladies, after looking into it rationally we've decided to go for a c-section. Although it saddens me that I'll never get to experience a natural birth (this is our last child) I know deep down that I wouldn't be able to cope with a natural birth, not so much the pain but the touching, the anxiety, the not being in control etc & the uncertainty as to wether or not I'd be doing it alone x

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