Need to loose more weight!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi guys over the last year ive been dieting, through slimming world, and ive lost 4 stone 1lb. Over the last few months ive really stuggled though, but me and DH are talking about ttc, so i need to pull my finger out and crack on!

I really want to get down so i dont need to be consultant led, and not have doctors looking at me like a pile of poop!!

Anyone want to join me at a new push? Maye we can motivate each other. And talk ideas and recipies?

I started slimming world last year, lost 23lb and piled a load back one :(

Back on the bandwagon this year though! My downfalls are going out in the evening and buying chocolate. I make a lot of the slimming world recipes, but tend to add wine or other naughties!

Good luck with your weight loss journey and ttc xx
I'm in weight watchers at the moment, got about a stone to go. The only thing that helps me is tracking everything on the ww app. I'm a bit obsessed with it if I'm honest! I try to plan my meals in advance as best as I can (not always possible with a wee one demanding your time). But I find if I track what I'm having before I've had it (lunch usually) then I'm likely to go off plan. I'm sure SW will have a similar tracker.

I'm not losing weight to ttc though, my goal is my holiday to Tenerife in June but also just feeling better in myself as I'm always happier when I'm a bit slimmer.

My problem is exercise, apart from yoga I never do any! Going to try to walk for 30 minutes 3 times a week now that the weather is getting better.

Sorry I've rambled on. Good luck with your weight loss and ttc when it comes xxx
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I do eat healthy and excercise im not motivated not stupid ����. Lost 3lb this week seem to be heading back in the right direction now. Just hit a.slump for a while xx
Hello, I have tried boiled water added to leak or french bean , and had it 3 times a day, it worked for me so i think you may try if you want.
Nivele cream also helps to lose weight and reduce the volume. I also love a sauna, I always lose weight after it.
Body cleansing can help you! Take Dr.Parell, it will rid your body of all the harmful things and then your whole body will receive enough nutrients, and you’ll need less food to feel satisfied, and you’ll also feel more power and energy!
the only way to lose weight is careful diet and quick fad will help you!
I'm sure you know this as you've already lost loads, well done!
Slimming world relies on reducing the portion size and calorie counting which can often result in a relapse,
you have to fall in love with what you're doing and stick to it..try looooads of different exercise classes (even if they sound awful) and stick with the ones you feel best after you'd be surprised what you can enjoy! I've narrowed my favorites down to spin, step class and pump class

If you consume more low calorie, high volume foods then you can eat loads more and actually feel full without worrying you've gone over the daily allowance, this is incredibly hard if you include a lot of veg low in sugar. be careful with fruit as these can cause a spike and leave you feeling low on energy and craving more once the sugar hit wears off

hope this helps!

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