need some reasurance!!


Active Member
May 15, 2014
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Hi, i'm around 8/9weeks pregnant, i have had some bleeding a few times but never had any pain, i have a scan on sunday, but today i have started to get period like pains, this is my 2nd pregnancy but my first one i had a miscarriage so i'm terrified the same will happen again. I know its normal to have some cramps in pregnancy due to everything expanding but with having the miscarriage before and been having bleeding on and off i'm just thinking that its all happening again :(, i'm not having any bleeding now, when i first got up this morning i had a little brown blood (sorry about tmi) but obviously that can be normal to have too, has any of you gone through anything similar? Thankyou
Hi lovely, I'd give your early pregnancy assesment unit a call and have a chat with one of the midwives. They will go through your symtoms with you and give you advice or may ask you to pop in and see somebody there. Good luck!
Hi thankyou for replying, i have phoned my early pregnancy unit and thats who i have an appointment with on Sunday, that was the earliest appointment they could give me when i phoned them on Tuesday... all the said on the phone to me then was to take another pregnancy test as a precaution and if it came back negative to phone them back but if it came back that i was still pregnant which it did to then wait untill Sunday for my appointment, ridiculous really because it doesn't help me now with my worry, i try to phone my midwife and it goes yo voicemail, and another numbers she gave to me to phone if i couldn't get hold of her have all said they only deal with women when they are 16weeks and over, i feel like no one wants to help lol, i could go to A&E but when i went before they said there wasn't much they could do there and if it was going to happen they obviously can't stop it from happening. Sorry for the long message and the moaning lol, thank you
Gosh, you poor thing. 5 days is a very long time to make you wait... When I had bleeding in my last pregnancy (all turned out fine btw), they told me to come in straight away. It seems very unfair to make you wait that long as worry isn't good during pregnancy... I'm sure all will be fine, but I really feel for you. Best of luck for Sunday xx
So unfair that they make you wait while you're so worried. I had some bleeding too and to me they said if it's brown, it's older blood, so when you see that the actual bleeding has probably already stopped. So I like to see that as a good sign. Try to think positive and good luck!
Unfortunatly i miscarriaged tonight, no idea what to do or think, had contractions for over 3 hours was in so much pain, but no pain is as great as losing your baby, thank you all for your support and kind words
Hey hun, i had an mc as well, im now preg again and had cramps and brown blood, (some red too ) i was panicking as well thinking i was going to lose this one, if theres no pain its a good sign,have you seen babys heartbeat yet? I read if theres a heartbeat thr risk is mc decreases week by week which gave me some comfort xx
Ok i clearly need new glasses as i missed your last post. So sorry. Big hugs xxxx ��
I'm so sorry to hear you miscarried honey. Try and take some time to look after yourself and come to terms with everything xx

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