Need some advice


New Member
Dec 6, 2007
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Hi, I am new to all this.
I have 2 children that I managed to get pregnant with within 2 months, and I also had a m/c 4 months ago where I also conceived within 2 months. I had to have a d&c and everything has got back to normal I think.
We've started trying again and we're now on the fourth month and still nothing! I know it might sound silly and I know this length of time is considered normal but it isn't normal for me. I was just wondering if anybody had ever had a situation like this. I think I just need to hear some reassurance really because it's getting me down a bit. I keep thinking that something is wrong. If anybody has any advice or experiences they can share I'd really appreciate it. xx
i wouldnt worry at all its different every time.
When i had ellie i came off the pill and fell pregnant straight away , i didnt even have a chance to have a period. and now trying to conceive number two, its been six months and im still not pregnant so i guess it just varies. im not bothered about it too much cause i am just being casual about it at the moe, i havnt started to obsess :fib: :fib: :cheer:
I wouldn;t worry too much just yet.

My cousin is pregnant with her 3rd and all hers have taken different times so it's not set in stone :hug:
Hi there :wave: ,

welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear of your loss. I'm not sure if my advice will help, but here goes! I did not 'try' to conceive my daughter, it just happened. However this time round, I will be going into my 5th month ttc. Alot of ladies in here are in the same position. Your body might be having a little break after your m/c, as you say conceiving isn't a problem for you, so i'm sure it will happen pretty soon. Also, alot of ladies on here have found they get their BFP when the aren't as stressed about it (easier said than done, I know). You sound quite down at the moment, maybe when you start feeling more positive your body will respond to this. I hope you get your BFP soon hun.

Best of Luck

hey i having the same, i fell pregnant after one mistake with my som(best mistake ever he is still my baby at nearly 8!!) I fell preg 1st month when i tried few years later which ended in mc :( then i had another preg 3 years ago with my now hubby and that was month one sadly i was really poorly and lost my pregnancy this time im on 4th month and still nothing. Its been a long road, i am now a few days late on my Af but BFN on tests i feel tired, sore (.) (.) and weeing a lot so fingers crossed! i hope you get your BFP soon babe xx
Thanks girls for getting back to me, I really appreciate it. It's nice to know other people are going through it at the same time. I think sometimes we put pressure on ourselves when we probably shouldn't.
I think my next fertile time is right over the christmas period so hopefully I will be nice and relaxed then xx

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