Need some advice pls


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2010
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hi girls

I was just wondering if anyone can give me some advice (well reassurance really). Yesturday OH & me tried to :bd: for the first time since we lost our daughter (well in 8 months as i wasnt interested while i was preg) but i made him stop straight away as i was overcome with a feeling of guilt & felt like i was betraying my little girl. In my head i kept thinking that she was there & wot we were doing is wrong & couldnt help bursting into :cry:. I then felt even worse as OH thought he'd hurt me or that he pressured me into it (which he hadnt & i was the one who nagged him). I want to ttc again asap but now i'm worried that everytime we try i'm going to have these feelings again.

Has anyone else had this or anything similar? xxx
sorry hun cant help but didnt want to read and run. sending u lots of love xxxxxxxxx
Wanted to send you massive :hugs: hunny.
Ive not been through what you have been through but i recently had a mc at 12w3d and had a guilty feeling when we were thinking about trying again, the only advice i can give you is you and your OH will know when the time is right to start ttc :hugs: x x

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thinking of you its difficult but i think you will know when the time is right dont put added pressure onto yourself take things slowly and go at your pace there is no rush xx
Firstly big hugs huni.. i know exactly how ur feeling it happend when me an oh first done it. feeling guilty is the worst feeling to feel. i think the other girls are rite u wil know when the times right but dont give up your dreams. my heart tells me that i want to try again right now but my heads telling me to wait. i wish u and ur oh al the luck for 2011. and your little angel wil be looking over you every step of the way. lots an lots of baby dust x x
hi hon I can't imagine how painful it has been for you what you have gone through, and although I haven't experienced what you have I did have a MMC in November. The first time me & OH bd'd after I cried, part of it was guilt and part of it was because it was like another milestone in the moving on process. Since then I have been fine, so you may find that next time it is easier for you having got that "first time" out of the way. If not you may just want to wait a little while longer before TTC in time it will feel right again x x x
Finally had close time with OH still felt a bit weird but i felt that i needed that closeness again, thank u all for the kind words xxx

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