need newborn advice


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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My son suffers terribly from trapped wind ge is now 11 days old, last night he wouldnt stop feeding then he spewed his milk, when we changed his nappy we noticed his tummy was hard and really bloated I did some tummy massage on him for an hour which helped the bliating, but he hasnt had a poo in 9 hours he normally goes after every bottle. Never thought id be sitting waiting and wishing for my son to fart and do a dirty nappy lol any advice ladies should I be worried that he gasnt gone since midnight last night?
Is he bf or ff? That can have major impact on how often they poo. When did he last poo? Lots of massage did u do the I love you stroke??? That helps get things moving. Infacol initially for trapped wind is good that may prevent him bringing up a feed if its sat on trapped air. Akso if ur ff what bottles r u using some let lots of air in. I had same issues with my DD x also some cooled boiled water may help if hes constipated x

9hrs isnt too bad to wait bubs tummys are still very new at this age xx

Ella Faith 8/2/13 8lb 13.5 oz x
I wouldnt worry too much, carry on with the massage (clockwise direction), a warm bath might help and some cool boiled water xxx
James went suddenly from 5 times a day (or more) to once a day. He was having expressed breast milk until he was about 6 weeks. I can remember exactly what age he was but he was teeny.

I know it is hard not to worry but I don't think it's much cause for concern if bub isn't going after every bottle? See how you get on today.

When we went over to formula (we combi fed for a while) James didn't go for a week - now that was worrying!!!

Just see how he goes hun, newborns normally have no rhyme or reason to them in the beginning x
Lol he pooped LOTS! Haha never thought id be so proud of that hahaha just worried me but thank you girls for the replies xo
We use infacol to help bring wind up, she has 2 droppers before every bottle and she gets terribly bunged up so what we do is rub a bit of plain vaseline around her bum hole (sorry to be blunt lol) and she goes within the hour!!! We let her have nappy off time too and she is always pooing when nappy is off (we stick a towel and then a nappy underneath her to catch anything) but try infacol, it really doe help. Only thing is I think it does bung her up a bit but now with the vaseline she can go lol. xxx
I wish we had discovered infacol earlier! It's amazing. My lo was terrible with wind, used to scream for hours every evening, now he's like a different baby, we've had no issues of constipation with it. Hv has recommended we use it until weaning xxx

tapatalking x
as the others have said infacol is great and massaging will definitely help.Joseph is a very windy baby but once he got past 4 weeks he started to be very good at getting it up (or down) himself! x
Yes luckily we hace also found infacol, were giving him 1 and a half droppers at the mo, its deffinately helping with his wind, hes also on cow and gate comfort milk which helps with colic and constipation
Infacol, colic massage (get youtubing colic massage as if I remember rightly there's a few you can do :) ) and warm baths. When I had my LO there was a gripe water shortage so when she was a bit older (3 weeks ish I think?) I used to make her fennel water to settle her stomach and it worked :)!

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