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need help! foster mum not letting me have a midwife


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2005
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hi everyone, Im new on here hope some of you lot can help me. im due in a few weeks i think, im not sure because my foster parents think its best not to get a midwife involved they reckon they know everything i need to know. there telling me there not ashamed of me but proud i cant see how though there trying to keep me locked up! there not even my real parents. I tried to see a midwive a couple of months back but my foster mum found out and started crying saying i couldnt rely on her. how can i tell her i hate living with her right now? shes done so much for me, i would never forgive her if anything happened to my baby because i couldnt get a midwives help. please someone give me some advise please! Love jo xx
hi have you spoke to he midwife on here, why don't you pm him he is brilliant, he is under the name of midwife_online. i know its deceitfull but can't you sneak off to see them have you had a scan yet? it is sooo important they check your blood pressure and urine ect... sorry i can't be much help, good luck, keep in touch. where abouts do u live?
No i havent had a scan yet, i know what you mean about it being important. yeah he pm me earlier, he's been brilliant. im from east midlands.
Do you mean your foster parents are going to deliver the baby? or are you going to hospital? Have you seen a doctor or anything? you must see a midwife it is very imortant, good luck
well im not sure whats going to happen now, i snook off to see the gp the morning and she took my BP and urine and she has asked me to come back tomorrow and arrange to see somebody else. i just hate doing all this behind my foster parents backs i know they want whats best for me though.
hey hun i am soo glad you went to the doctors, are you going to see a midwife tomorrow?
keep in touch
I think so, my gp said shes going to arrange for somebody to meet me at the doctors tomorrow. Im so scared about labour coming up.
hello hun
how did it go today?????
pm if you want to
hiya, How old are you?

I just wondered if they have delivered before? They seem to think this is best for you but they are wrong! Your the mother at the end of the day, or are they going to take over that also? You really need your say the midwife knows best!
hey, im 15. I decided to go to a midwife a few days ago now and i had a scan and internal, babys fine and healthy!Nope shes never delivered before shes just a control freak that thinks she knows everything! how old r u? x
Gosh that kinda scary having someone over you like that, you make sure she knows who's boss, im 23 should be in this bit either, hehe but alwasy end up going in every chat bit.

Bet you cant wait to be 16! Theres a lot of help out there for you, make sure you get it, ive listed bits on here before, your local Citizens Advice will help you with everything you need to know, even housing etc your entiltled to!

Dont let them treat you like a child, your going to be your own mommy, I hope they dont take over you chil saying your doing everything wrong etc. Your midwife can help with that, they will even visit you to make sure everythigns ok at home!

Hope everything goes well and seek advice if you need to, theres a lot of help out there for you!
Ahh u seam like u know what your on about, social services are coming round on monday to talk about my rigths about leaving here and that, but its doing my head in waiting, do you know whther or not im gonna have to stay here in care til im 18 or can i go live with my cousin whos 19 and just been given a 3 bed council house?? xx
I actually really dont know, but I very much doubt its till your 18. State your unhappy and how they have behaved towards you over your baby. Even if they are lovely people and your not happy and with a baby on the was, you have your rights.

You may be able to live with your cousin but might have to take over your rights and be your guardian. If you were 11 it would be a different story. I hope they help you out.

The internet is full of inforation about pretty much anythingyou need to know, maybe do a search on your rights and a fostered teenager. You can go on the citezens advice and send them a message and they can send you one back, but they might just ay you need to talk to your solical worker. Have a look what you can find thoug, I'll have a search also see whats about.............
Arr ive got it thanks anyway, says it can last upto im 18, but im gonna speak to my p/a in care maybe she can do something, im gonna appeal to end my care order! this should be fun :roll: !!!

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