Need Help Advice Please


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May 19, 2018
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Hi moms im exhausted my almost 13 month old daughter is getting up 1-2 times a night for the past month. She started sleeping threw the night at about 7-8 months but for the past month she has been getting up every night 1-2 times per night. I have kept her routine the same 7pm bedtime and a 3 hour nap during the day. (However recently have been shortened her nap time to an hour because of the night time waking) trying to see if that helps. So far no luck. And usually she will wake up in the morning around 630am so it’s like a 12 hour night. I’m a first time mom and I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or if this is normal. Please any advice is appreciated! When she wakes during the night I have been letting her cry for 15 minutes and then I go in her room to change her diaper because at 3am she’s always wet (usually around the time she wakes up) then give her a 5oz bottle of milk, then she USUALLY goes back to sleep after she drinks the milk. Ugh I’m fed up i would appreciate any kind of advice or story about your family thanks
I’m sorry, it is so hard. My daughter is now almost 4. She didn’t start sleeping through the night until she was 3. I didn’t do anything differently she was just ready one night.
For most babies it is all developmental although I know some people sleep train and the like, this was never for me.
I hope someone else has some advice for you.
Hang in there, you’re doing a great job!
When my daughter doesn't sleep well through the night it's because she's getting sick or is in pain. We had horrible nights when she had an ear infection, one after the other until had tubes installed. She was a different baby after!
But when her nose is stuffy, she tends to wake up due to not being able to breathe with her dummy in her mouth. Or when she's feverish, she wakes up every 30minutes to an hour. Horrible!
Maybe put her to bed a bit later, like 8pm? So she gets extra tired? Otherwise check if she's not getting sick or something?x
Hi moms im exhausted my almost 13 month old daughter is getting up 1-2 times a night for the past month. She started sleeping threw the night at about 7-8 months but for the past month she has been getting up every night 1-2 times per night. I have kept her routine the same 7pm bedtime and a 3 hour nap during the day. (However recently have been shortened her nap time to an hour because of the night time waking) trying to see if that helps. So far no luck. And usually she will wake up in the morning around 630am so it’s like a 12 hour night. I’m a first time mom and I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or if this is normal. Please any advice is appreciated! When she wakes during the night I have been letting her cry for 15 minutes and then I go in her room to change her diaper because at 3am she’s always wet (usually around the time she wakes up) then give her a 5oz bottle of milk, then she USUALLY goes back to sleep after she drinks the milk. Ugh I’m fed up i would appreciate any kind of advice or story about your family thanks
UPDATE: I have cut out nap time completely and it’s working my daughter is sleeping through the night for the past 2 nights!
Getting up 1 to 2 times a night sounds like a dream to me! My 8 month old is up several times a night sometimes doesn’t go back to sleep for hours, sleeping through doesn’t happen for every baby, sounds like you’ve sorted it now though x

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