Need advice....


Active Member
Dec 27, 2009
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Hello ladies..

I'm 25 & 22weeks pregnant & been with my partner only a year (but we have known eachother for about 4 years)
I couldnt believe it when i did my pregnancy test and it was postive we were so pleased:)
we have started buying clothers and a pram and other bits but when i go for scan or the midwife or to buy anything it feels like im buying for someone else when people ask how iam it just feels weid and i havent got a clue why?
our familys are really pleased for us both i just cant work out why im feeling the way iam..
im worried about it as when the day comes to have my baby its going it hit me so much as its like i dont believe its happeneing to me:sad:

Has anyone else ever felt like this or is it just me....
I think thats completely normal with your first. It's hard to imagine what a little person that you are creating is going to be like so it feels so unreal to be preparing for it. I think that is why I was so adamant to findout what I was having so i could imagine what she might look like and what we would do together.

Don't worry, when baby is here it will feel so natural and you'll feel like s/he's been with you forever xx
It completely normal Hun, my entire pregnancy felt sureal and for a couple of weeks after I had him I couldn't get my head around the fact that he was mine :hug:

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