Nausea one week after ovulation


Active Member
Dec 9, 2016
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So this is the third time in a row I've got suddenly and strong nausea around one week after ovulation. It's almost on clock about 7-8 pm, last for some hours and repeats about three days and then gone. The last times I've gotten my period 14-16 days after ovulation.

Anybody else experiencing something like this?

First time I was almost sure I was pregnant, I usually don't get this nausea and it's almost as if I'm about to throw up. But now it's the third time...
I used to get this after ovulation too, it didn't happen every cycle but 3 out of the 5 I was actually tracking! After a bit of research I put it down to the change in hormones.. there's a point when progesterone rises and estrogen drops (or whatever way it goes, I can't remember!!) anyway, that change can affect people differently.. I felt awful about 3-5 dpo every cycle and could barely keep my eyes open! Strangely, the cycle I conceive I didnt feel sick or anything, I felt completely normal!

Wow thanks! Thought it could be something like that.
Maybe that means I didn't succeed this time :( but hey! It ain't over til AF gets here ;)
That's really helpful JulyBug. I had the same thing with nausea for the first time last month. Of course I totally convinced myself I was pregnant only to be disappointed. Hope it's better sign for you AFTM.
I got that today and dizziness. I know my progesterone is peaking cos of the temping and the bad mood!
I'm on 7dpo and the wait is killing me -.-
What day do you test? 10dpo, 14dpo?
I'm 7dpo too! I think you can test 4 days before you are due, so I guess day 10.
Thanks! I usually start at 10/11 because I can't wait - and I've bought like 20 opk's for 5$ at Ebay! So I've got quite a lot :)
Are you testing with opks? I bought a massive pack of pregnancy tests on Amazon, about 50!
Sorry ment pregnancy tests. It's because I bought a bunch of both and been using most opks
Me too...huge packet of each - saves sooo much money! Good luck...I'm starting to get nervous!
Good luck ladies! Ooo.. my mood before my BFP was awful! I was so grumpy and still am! lol xx

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