Nappy Free Baby


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
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Anyone have any info on this? Or has anyone tried it?

I borrowed 'Nappy Free Baby' the book from the library back when I first found out I was pregnant, and have kind of forgotten all about it.

I was just wondering if anyone has actually done it, and how it worked for you?

I'm so intrigued, it sounds wonderful.
Yes! Elimination Communication :)

It's something I want to do, but I have still bought cloth nappies just in case.

I'd almost forgotten about it actually. I'll get a book on it nearer the time. Never did it with my last two but I have a friend who did.
With the due date nearing for me, I feel too unprepared and nervous about this (first baby) - I think I will play it by ear and see how it goes.
I do however, have some of those G nappies - someone on my local community facebook page gave them to us for free. They're the washable ones with biodegradable inserts. So good! Just got to be prepared for a lot of poo for a new born :)
I got 5 little lamb bamboo nappies and 3 Grovia AIO nappies. Up in my loft I have a bag of cloth nappies and covers so I'll go through them nearer the time to see what I kept and if I think I need any more (probably not lol).
Never heard of nappy free baby, it sounds good if it's what I think it is? Harrison has time on his play mat all naked and we just use a pad from the hospital have loads of them under him and when he pees we just clean him up and either switch pad or get him dressed xxx
Yeah Voilet, that's the idea.
It's where you learn your child's signal/facial expression when it needs to go for a poo, so instead of keeping nappies on him/her (uncomfortable for the baby, bad for the environment, expensive) you just take them to a 'toilet', which could be anything from an icecream box to a sink I suppose. It's a very natural method, and it's what tribal women must do and what we all did thousands of years ago. It's a beautiful way to bond with your baby also, as you are learning how it feels all the time, and constantly being aware of him/her.
It's supposed to be a lot more pleasant for baby as well, it must be horrible to be sitting in your own poo, then there's nappy rash etc...

However, I'm due to give birth in 6 weeks and I haven't even read the book! It's a method I'm fascinated by, but also perhaps intimidated by.
Oh god you need to get reading hehe. Ooh I like the sound of this he's never pooed when naked only a wee even in the bath he doesn't poo ( touch wood) but he's naked a lot of the time because he just enjoys it so why not? May give this a whirl next time he try's to poo but honestly he has no facial expression he just goes and he's checked so much so he's never dirty longer than a few seconds as he pooed in me I think he doesn't like to feel dirty xxx
Yeah naked is the best way for sure - I think all humans secretly would love to be naked, I wish we lived in a warmer country where baba can just be naked all the time. Summer's coming though!

Yes, I think I'm going to o some Amazon shopping and just order a ton of baby books, and alternative nappy stuff.

Are you using disposables or washables?
We have disposables but I did find a few of my old terry cloth ones haha so I put him in one for a little while he didn't seem impressed with me I had to fold it twice he's got such a tiny bum �� He'll be naked again later for a little bit :) xxx
I am going to use reusable nappies but combine this with baby led potty training so that we don't have to use nappies as often and to be out of nappies quickly. My mum used the baby led potty training method with me and my siblings. My sister also used this method with my nephew and the results are amazing, I understand it isn't for everyone but if you have the time like stay at home mum or dad then it's easier to take on. I have a friend and she sent her five year old to school still in nappies!! Just crazy. People used to give my sister funny looks when she said her son was out of nappies so soon! But it can be done.
I am going to use reusable nappies but combine this with baby led potty training so that we don't have to use nappies as often and to be out of nappies quickly. My mum used the baby led potty training method with me and my siblings. My sister also used this method with my nephew and the results are amazing, I understand it isn't for everyone but if you have the time like stay at home mum or dad then it's easier to take on. I have a friend and she sent her five year old to school still in nappies!! Just crazy. People used to give my sister funny looks when she said her son was out of nappies so soon! But it can be done.

Can I ask what baby led potty training is? I like the sounds of it. :lol:
Baby led potty training is similar to what they basically try to teach you in the book nappy free baby, which others have mentioned above and like what mollythemamma has mentioned about the technique. The book may help you I haven't read it as just taking advice from family but it is a method that has been around along time, just with convenience and disposable nappies it's so easy to let baby soil themselves. The technique is to recognise when your baby needs to potty. My mother and sister didn't have a book to refer to so with my nephew he was held over the potty at every change time which were more frequent than if being left in disposables she even took the potty out with her and where ever she was and continued to stick to the routine, then recognising when he needed to go which meant more time out of a nappy. Because she did it from the start it just became part of her routine also but she had the time to do it, my mother doesn't believe in any other way so it has been drilled into me that this is the way to do it. I would say if you have the time and patience then it's def a good thing to be doing.
I went to the library and they no longer have "Nappy Free Baby" - I'm going to have to learn myself I guess. Redbootz, I think that's a good balance and I may do the same. I think I'll stick with disposables for the first few weeks though because I hear they poop a lot, and I don't have enough reusable ones to keep washing them.
I did this with both my kids. With my first it was amazing- I never changed a poopy diaper after she was 9 months old as she told me when she had to go. And she was 100% potty trained by 18 months.

My second is a boy and more resistant but I'm still doing it part-time.

I'll do it again with this baby for sure.
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Well done Kholl, sounds brilliant. I will defo give it a try! :)

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