Nappies =]


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Dec 23, 2007
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Hello, I was just wondering around how manys weeks/months old a baby usually is when it grows to big for the newborn nappy size. I dont want to stock up on loads of newborn nappies, just to find he's grown out of them a week or two later. how fast until they usually grow into the next size up?
Please reply :)
tbh i wouldnt buy too many nappies before bubs is born... especially if ur buying all the same brand!

Every baby is completley different... when bam was smaller the only nappies which held in her runny poo was Sainsburys own

Tbh id only buy like 1 or 2 packs and then when bubs is here buy a few more when u know which nappies are best....
when melissa was 6 weeks old she was almost 11 pounds so nearly out of size 1 nappies. tbh size 2 are a bit pointless coz by the time babys out of size 1 they should fit both size 2 AND size 3, and size 3 last aaaaaaaages! (millie's 28 weeks old and still less than 17 pounds so got plenty room in size 3 still)
Before George was born I bought one pack of each of the newborn nappies from Sainsbury's, Asda, Huggies and Pampers to try them out. The Sainsbury's and Asda were the best for the early days. He was out of newborn nappies at about 6 weeks.

I agree with Trixipaws as the stage 2 only seemed to last a very short time. He's been in stage 3 for ages and he's now 5 months (tomorrow), roughly 19lbs and they still fit. Now he's a bit bigger I find Huggies the best as they have never leaked even when he's had really runny poo (like now as he's teething!)

I would get only a pack of size one, a pack or 2 of size 2 and LOADS of size 3 as they are in them for aaaages :)

Brody is 2 and he's only in 4+ now.

Lots of places are very funny about returning nappies too, so don't go mad.
Well because I am at a loss this time with regards to nappies (if I was in the UK I would stock up on Asda's own)... My mum has gone and brought loads of different brands in different sizes... So I have packs of everything atm (just one pack each, but at least I can try).. I'm going to see which one is best... :) But tbh just by max, 2 packs of size 2, and one pack size 1 for the hossie.. Thats the bare minimum you need and as you won't know how big your baby will be before it's born its better to not go stocking up... :)

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