My ovarian drilling


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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So I'm now nil by mouth and it sucks. I'm hungry already, had some breakfast at 7.30 and was allowed to drink water till 10 but now nothing. Hubby is finishing work at 11.30 and we're leaving about 12, I don't really feel very nervous yet, just hungry!! I think I am more nervous about the procedure actually doing something for me, I hope it works :(

I think phones are allowed on the ward so I will be able to update from there!
Aww good luck huni, I'm sure it will work n u will hav ur bfp very soon :)
Thinkin of u today
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Good luck for today, hope all goes well :) :)
Ahhh you will be fine hunny, my nerves didn't fully kick in until I was wheeled into theatre, but then it was lights out and next thing I knew I was waking up back on the ward. Had to check they had even operated as I didn't feel anything lol

Ohh and since my op my periods have been fairly regular so it does work ;)
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Good luck Blondy :)

I'm sure you'll be fine and it'll hopefully work for you. I think it helps more often than not xx
Thanks girls. Just waiting on the ward now, got my sexy gown on, so glad I bought my dressing gown so my bum isn't on view to the world!! My consultant is taking 10g of my fat while he is in there for a pcos trial they're doing. So I get to eat more after I'm done to get my fat back lol!! I'm starving now though :(
How did it go? U okay? Xx

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Fx ur recovering well blondy xx

Hope everything went well and u managed to eat now xx :)
Hi girls. They've decided to keep me in as I've had a bad sickness reaction to the anaesthetic, I can't keep anything down so I can't go home :( hubby has just gone to get some sleep so I'm all alone. Other than this the op went ok, got 7 holes drilled into each ovary, and my tubes are flushed but there's a slight problem with my left one, I'm not sure what, they are talking to me tomorrow.
So feeling a bit sorry for myself really xxx
Awwwww hun, that's a bummer, I get like that. Try not to worry about what docs have said and get some rest. Hugs xxxxx
Sorry to hear they are keeping you in hun, try and get some rest as you will probably be feeling a little sore tomorrow. And try not to worry about your tube its probably nothing to serious, doctors have a tendency to freak us out for no reason ;)
Hi chick, I'm sure it's all fine, try and get some sleep tonight. Hope you're not too lonely xxxx
Lots of ppl react to anaesthetic (can't spell) :lol:

Hope things are cleared up when dr spks to you today xx

Great that they could drill both successfully xxx

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