My little princess Ava Rose


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Well finally time to start a new journal.

Ava is doing really well, she has taken to the breast straight away, I've been a little sore but it's easing up now.

Today is the first day I have felt 'ok'. I had to been torn in labour so have been stitched up & have been feeling sore after doing too much on Sunday & going for a walk.
Dh went back to work today & I've managed to clean the floors, take the dog for a walk & go to the shops.

Ava was 5lb 5oz when she was born, on day 5 she was weighed & had gained rather than lost, she weighed 5lb 8oz. Mw was very impressed that I was only bf & she'd gained her broth weight back plus more.
Health visitor came today & she's now 6lb 2oz!

Gosh, you're bloody good hun! It took me about 6 weeks to clean any floors (and I was physically fine after labour / delivery :shock:)

I am so glad Ava is doing well, I didn't get on with breast feeding [I expressed for 5-6 weeks though] so well done you...

Carry on doing what you are doing, it sounds as though things are going very well

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It's lovely to see you starting a new journal! You and Ava are both doing so well. How is Amber taking to her new little sister?
Well Ava is being a monkey at bedtime, it takes me nearly 2 hrs to settle her. Any other time she's fast asleep after her feed, but as soon as we go to bed she's wingy! She does sleep anything from 3 & 1/2 hrs to 5 hrs at night tho so I can't complain.

Amber isn't bothered really, she sticks her head in her basket every now & again.

Got loads if ppl coming today, not looking forward to it, going to be none stop all day.

Ava sleeping on mummy today

Hi hun. Ava is so beautiful. Lovely to see ur new journal :) yay we are now mummies :) i shall be following and updating my journal when i get the chance. Lol xxx
Dh was working last night, so decided to try & get Ava settled early. Managed to get her to sleep by 11 so not too bad, she slept until 2.30 so not as long as she normally does.

Been for a nice walk with Amber & Ava, stitches are feeling so much better now so it's nice to get out for a walk. Dh is on a course this week so is staying away, he said he'd come home a couple of nights but mum is going to come over a couple of afternoons, mainly to help me with Amber, I didn't want to be taking Ava out at night.

Still got loads of ppl to come over, have a few today then some a couple of nights this week. It's crazy I feel like we constantly have ppl round!

Just trying to organise a head wetting for Ava at the mo, just having abit of a buffet in a pub not far from us.

Lovely to see ur mew journal hun n what a cutie she is xx

Babydust to all
Just saw this! :) So glad you're doing so well with Ava and she's putting on weight so well too! She's absolutely beautiful - she's got a lot of hair hasn't she?! Can't believe you're having so many visitors and cleaning floors too! I still hardly manage any housework!Hope bf-ing is going ok - sounds like it is anyway with Ava's weight gain. You're obviously a natural! :) xxx
Had Ava asleep by 9pm last night....whoop whoop!! She didn't wake until 1.30am & then after her feed she slept Neil 6am. I decided to bath her before her feed sat night, got her ready for bed then I fed her in our bedroom rather than downstairs so I cud put her straight in her Moses basket. I read her some stories & left her to it, I went to bed at 10.30, earliest I've been to bed & straight to sleep since she arrived. I hope it wasn't just a 1 off, will try it from now on & see what happens.

Yes bf is going really well ceebee, it's all down to her she just loves the breast!

Health visitor has been today, Ava now weighs 7lb 4oz! So just short of 2lb she's gained now & she'll be 3 weeks tomorrow.

I have developed piles! Sorry if tmi. I didn't know what it was & was getting abit worried cos I was bleeding every time I had a poo & it really hurts too. Told dh last night & he said its piles from pushing in labour, was actually relived cos I thought it was something really bad. I've heard of piles but never knew wat it actually was.

Otherwise we are really good, Ava still doing pretty good at night, up every 3 & 1/2 hrs last night. So pleased she's gaining so much weight.

Ur doing fab hun n piles r v easy to treat i get them all the time!! X

Babydust to all
That's a brilliant weight gain hon in such a short space of time :) Well done you and Ava! I had piles after labour and am still having issues as have a tear in my bum that won't heal (nice!), so I know how painful pooing can be :/ . I think my piles have gone though - used the Anusol cream and that seemed to work. Not sure what's going to happen about the tear - going back to docs on Mon to speak about it. Hope your bum feels better soon. How's the stitches healing? xxx
I have been using the Anusol cream since Tuesday & piles certainly feel better but I've run out of cream now, so might go buy some more. Still feels abit itchy, not been pooing too much but wen I have been its not as painful.

Ceebee I think my stitches have dissolved, I had a little look beginning of the week & I can't see them. Dh was asking about dtd sat night but I don't feel ready, I'm scared to! I went & got 3 months supply of the pill last week but haven't started it yet. With my periods being so up & down after coming off the pill last time & after mc, I wanted to see if they came back so was going to hang fire on the pill. They've given me the one you take all the time so you don't have periods, I don't like the idea of it though it doesn't seem normal.

Well I'm starting to get abit bored staying at home, my feet are itching to do things but ppl are always busy! Dh been working nights so not bothered about doing anything & then today he's gone & phoned his mate to do something this aft!

The weight seemed to be dropping off me at 1st & I lost 17lb, but now I'm stuck at the same weight. We have a treadmill in the garage so going to get dh to clear it out abit so I can start doing some power walking at 1st & then ill start running again.

Ava is tucked up in her Moses basket upstairs, dh has gone out in town with his mates for Ava's head wetting, so I'm chilling watching take me out with a nice glass of red.

Had a pretty good night with Ava last night, the initial putting her to bed is still an issue but she went from 9.30-12 where we woke her up to change & feed wen we went to bed. Then she slept til 5 then until 8.30. Ive been reading tips on putting babies to bed so they sleep & one website said to feed ure baby every 2 hrs on an evening past 5pm. I thought it was worth a try because she does take a few feeds sometimes at night until she finally settles, so i did it last night but she wouldn't settle. But tonight she's gone straight down, I shouldn't speak too soon.

I may have to give your method a go! We arent that far away so should meet somewhere in the middle hun for coffee xx

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It's so nice when you get a bit of time to yourself isn't it?! :) Be interested to hear how you get on with the sleep thing. Harry isn't too bad, but he still gets up for a night time feed between 3 - 5am usually. Could do without that! xxx
I may have to give your method a go! We arent that far away so should meet somewhere in the middle hun for coffee xx

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Yes we really shud meet up somewhere in between.

So I've been feeding Ava a lot on an evening so she sleeps during the night, she is such a hungry bum at night. I've stopped putting her to bed early because she just doesn't settle & I'm just up & down the stairs all night, we can never watch anything. So I feed her every 1 & 1/2 - 2 hours after 5 pm until I go to bed about 11 or 12, I get her bathed about 7.30 & I put her to bed about 9- 9.30.

I've only done it for a couple of nights but its much better, she tends to settle after her 9pm feed until I go to bed. It means I get my evening back & she has a couple of hrs upstairs settling before I come to bed. She then sleeps for 5 hrs so I'm up about 4 or 5am, then she wakes again anytime between 7.30-9am. She normally entertains herself for about an hr on a morning until she wants feeding so I just dose.

I had to take her to the dr's yesterday, she's had sticky eyes since she was born. I've been wiping them daily & it had cleared up a lot, but at the weekend it came back badly in her left eye. It was so bad when she woke yesterday, she had all dried puss around her eye she couldn't open it or move her eyelid & it looked sore. So she's been given some eye drops, already it was abit better this morning.

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