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My little girl is here


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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well its over n done with now n iv got a beautifull lil girl on tues at 7pm my waters broke but it was just lil trickels with no pain then it was startin to look like i had wet my self so i went the hospital then was told it was my waters that had broke and that i would more then likely have my baby in 24hrs if not i would be sent home on antibiotix but then by 11pm i felt like i was having period pains i just lay in hospital having cramps then the pains got quite bad the midewife checked me n i was told i was 3dilated n was taken down to the labour ward then 7hrs later i was still only 3dilated then 4hrs later i was 6 n by this stage i was in total pain, as the babys spin was on my spin the back ache was so terrible i couldnt stand it any more and opt for an epidural but i tell u all now i totaly recomend it it was pain free but still knew i was contracting then within 45mins i was ready to push 6 big pushes n i had a lovely lil girl weighing 5.5 i came home 3days later n its the best feeling ever not even as tiring as every one makes out but all i say is HAVE THE EPIDURAL!! iv had no side affects either x x x x x x
I heard that it is natural to throw up during labor and delivery. Is this true? I am sooo scared of throwing up, not the pain or anything else like that I am just scared of the throwing up, when I get sick like that I go into a panic attack, hyperventilate and most of the time I pass out. And I wake up and start it all over again. I am just so scared of that experiance being added to all the pain I am going to be feeling, can you please rest my mind.
Big Congrats

Hope you and littl'un are fit and well. Enjoy her.
Congratulations Dionne on your new little girl!

I've updated your entry (in pink of course :D ) on the Due Date Calendar, enjoy your little one and make sure you get lots of rest too! Glad to hear your labour was just about pain-free ... (I have no hesitation in recommending epidurals as I had one too :wink:)
My labour story couldnt be more different from the Dionnes. 10 pm on Sunday night i started getting what felt like bad period pains evey 20 mins. They stareted to get a lot closer together so I phoned the hospital, who told me to come in once they were about 5 mins apart. I went in at 2am, where they checked me over and put me in a nice hot bath! I then started with gas and air(which made me feel a bit dizzy, but really helped). Im not sure what time I came out of the bath as I had a diamorphine jab which helped with the stronger contractions, but i remember at somepoint my waters broke whilst i was in there! I do know that the last stage took less that an hour and my little boy was born at 8.25 am, weighing 7lb 3oz!
i have 2 kids and their births were FAST!!!!
with my 1st son,, i went into labour at bout 8pm visitin my friend who had just had her baby and was in hospital, was just on my way out the hospital door, no pain my waters broke lol, thats it , and id had him 13 minutes later.. 8.13 pm lol.....
with my 2nd son, i went for a routine check up and was told i was 9cm dilated (12 days over due and they were arranging to induce me the following day) id had no pain b4 i went, just felt a bit sick.... and id had him 8 minutes later just as i got into the delivery room... they were 7lb7oz and 8lb8oz... im hoping to get pregnant soon and hopefully this will be just as quick lol..........

sarah xx
Hi Tanisha,

I felt really really sick when i was in labour but i got told it was just the combination of being super tired ( i was in Labour 29 hours) the gas and air and not eating- which you cant once your in established labour. evey time i took a big suck of gas and air i felt i wanted to be sick, the plus side is i was never actually sick. And one thing i can definately say is that i would do it over and over again- its the best experience in the world. :D
That really comforts me as I do not think they use gas and air here in the states. The most popular form of pain releif is the epidural.
i dont like needles so i wouldn't have the epidural. i was told to keep active cos it helps the baby move down, i didn't like staying on the bed it was so uncomfortable. mind you i believe it is good stuff!!! :D
I don't mind needles, I am in the medical feild so I let students practice on me all the time. They have something called a walking epidural that I think I might try. I can still feel things and move around, it just cuts the edge off the pain. I am a BIG whimp when it comes to pain.
I won't be able to have an epidural because my hospital don't do them but I wasn't keen on the idea anyway.

I'd like to go through labour with the minimum pain relief and am hoping to have a water birth if the pool is available.

The midwife who's taking my antenatal classes told me that in America it's very common for women to have an epidural, even if they don't need it. I'd rather wait and see what I need and I figure that women have been giving birth for hundreds of thousands of years without it so it can't be too bad.

But I've also been told that an induced labour is more painful so I'm keeping an open mind.

Just watch I'll be on here in a couple of weeks telling you I took all the pain relief I could! ;)
Please do keep us updated I would like to know how it turns out. Many of my friends swear by the epidural. I want to wait and see but if I progress too much they won't be able to give me one. I don't know, I still have a little while left to decide.
I think that's the hardest thing about chosing pain relief is that although you can wait and see to some degree, if you wait too long it can be too late and I guess everyone's nightmare is getting to that point where you can't cope and yet it's too late.

I just keep reminding myself that you never hear of women passing out becuase the pain is too bad when they wait too long to decide. It might be bad but I plan to just concentrate on each contraction at a time and not think about the next.
i had to be induced because i was 10 days over due and had high blood pressure, you dont have time for the pain to arrive gradually when your induced, i didn't dilate from 2cm so they had to break my waters and give me a syntocinon drip and within 5 minutes i was 9cm, i had lasted on gas and air til then and the pain came at once and i had pethadine which made me sleep. the only problem with pethadine is that my daughter was sleepy and blue when she came out so they had to motivate her to start crying.
Best experience in the whole world and i would do it over and over again!!

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