My hubby apologised in advance last night


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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I was tired so went to bed and flopped but hubby stayed downstairs working and watched the programme Dawn Gets A Baby. I was blissfully unaware upstairs. Ignorance is bliss as they say :lol:

Anyways, all of a sudden he comes running into the bedroom, leaps onto the bed and hugs me tight. Didn't speak for a minute and then when he did it was to say sorry. I asked what for and he said for what I was going to have to go through and that he would not be able to help me and it bothered him how bad the pain might be and I'd be the one suffering it.

He explained he'd just seen a programme which showed a water birth (great way to birth he thinks) but that it really brought home the enormity of childbirth and that my pain would be beyond his control and he felt bad for that as he hates seeing me suffer.

Awwwwww *sniffs* I was really touched at how he felt. He and I both hope for a home water birth so I'm glad he has an idea of what to expect, even if this was a hospital water birth they showed. He's a bit more prepared :)

Anyways, I am off to watch said programme now as I am curious. I found it on the BBC watch again section HERE if anyone else is interested :)
This is the programme that was on last week. I caught it by accident and ended up unable to sleep that evening - YES, it really is a no-holds-barred view of childbirth but it is so great how quickly the women forget their pain when the baby is in their arms :cheer:

My OH had a similar reaction to yours; he didn't speak for a couple of hours afterwards from the shock and then he got worried that he wouldn't be able to do anything to help me and how bad it would be.

Probably best they think about it sooner rather than later though, eh?
aww thats so sweet!

unfortunately my hubby thinks im superwoman , (of course i am, but..!! :fib: )

you see because ive taken the rest of pregnancy so easy, i dont get hormonal, and i've always muscled in with the boys, he thinks birthing is going to be a piece of cake for me ....just gonna pop her out like im leg pressing......thats how i'd like to believe it will be and im all for positive thinking, but it would be nice if he considered i MIGHT just find it hurts!!!!!
i watched the last part of dawn gets a baby this mornin and by when the second baby arrived i was crying my eyes out, im making oh watch it 2nite or 2moz ha ha ha
I made OH watch it last night and he didn't apologise just said that cos this is our second baby it wouldn't be so bad and that I made loads more noise than those two women when I had Jamie :roll:
Aww how sweet of your OH.

We watched that programme and my OH just kind of went paler than normal and for once was lost for words. I told him he doesn't have to stay every second of labour if it turns out to be a long one but he refused and said he'd be going nowhere.

It can't be easy for husbands/partners to watch and feel so helpless.
I watched it for a 2nd time, this time with my OH, he went pale in places but said 'well, it doesn't seem too bad' at which point i said that he would say that as he isn't the one having to go through it.

I'm glad he watched it though, it's how i'd like my labour to be, except at home, and so he now has an idea of how it'll be!
That's really sweet of your OH sherlock :D I really don't think I could get mine to watch anything like that :lol:
He is a real sweetie :D I think I'm a lucky woman anyways :lol: He wants to be involved and to help me, rather than standing round feeling like a spare part, so I hope with a home birth and less people around he'll really feel a part of it. He said he'll be brave and stay the dangerous end anyways (and he wasn't meaning the baby end :roll: :lol: )

He's been busy reading books, studying pictures and takes on board everything we talk about baby wise. Watching that programme, which he really enjoyed was a good thing for him. Until then he had no clue how a waterbirth could be and I think it helped reassure him more having seen it happen, albeit edited into 10 minutes.

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