My cervix mission!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Im on a bloomin mission now. I was really down yesterday after my examination with the consultant. Got told my cervix was not soft and 'closed'. Gutted. Afterwards I looked in my notes and she had written that my cervix was 'medium consistency' sorry if this is TMI, but by this stage I really dont care about discussing my cervix :oooo:

So I have a sweep booked for saturday, and Im determined to do everything I can to get it soft.

I know Im having really good strong contractions some of them have been getting painful over the last week too, so I think if my cervix would just soften then it will start dilating.

So far today, Ive used 4 EPO tablet (internally) and eaten about half a pineapple.

I dunno what else to do. Does anyone know if you can take the EPO orally as well as internally or could I overdose?! Bear in mind Ive been on my feet all day so most of the oil is probably on my pad anyway tho!

Also, the bouncing on the ball/scrubbing floors/walking, is that supposed to just help with engaging? Im presuming it has nothing to do with the cervix softening?

I told OH last night that we have to :bd: when he gets back from work. He didnt sound too enthusiastic, but Im gonna tell him that if he refuses, and my cervix isnt soft on saturday Ill blame him :rofl:
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:rofl: Sorry hun, i've no advice but you do make me laugh! Hehe!

I really do hope that for your OH's sake that your cervix has softened by Saturday x
I just cant sit here and wait. Im the kinda person who needs to do something about it! Im like that with everything. Constantly telling OH not to sit around feeling sorry for himself about a situation but do something to change it. Even if it doesnt work at least youve tried.

Im not really sure how much any of this will work but I'll go mental if I dont try something!
Nah, go for it! I'll be doing everything within my power by next Wed if i'm still pregnant. In the meantime, i'm just too lazy! Hehe!

Did the consultant not give you any other tips that might help soften your cervix? x
If it helps one male oral cum shot swallowed is as powerful as seven fresh pineapples and def worth a shot! (excuse the pun lol) and things like orange juice ect curry.. Things that may "upset" your bowel movements will allow the muscles to relax a little and help soften your cervix up Hun x x x x

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If it helps one male oral cum shot swallowed is as powerful as seven fresh pineapples and def worth a shot! (excuse the pun lol) and things like orange juice ect curry.. Things that may "upset" your bowel movements will allow the muscles to relax a little and help soften your cervix up Hun x x x x

Hahahahaa! I love the way you always say 'cum shot' :rofl:

My consultant swore by sex so get that OH of yours told Tiny!! :D
sounds like your OH will have to give it a few times just to be on the safe side :D few shots up your twinkle (dont forgett the pillows under bum and feets in the air, you might wanna ask OH to leave the room as this is not a view that will get him hard for a second, third and fourth time) then to get him going last time tell him you will take it in your mouth and he will def go for it.
im jelous.. sounds like you are having a fun night tonight..
:rofl: tiny you've got your work cut out for you :shock:
My midwife gave me a list of things and the 'cum shot' (although not in those words lol!) was on it - she did point out it was 'proven' by a male researcher though....hehe
LOl, my MW told me this too, but said she never told ladies when their O's were there ha ha
:rofl: thats so funny. No the consultant said about 5 sentences to me in total. Mostly what I picked up was what she was telling the nurse or midwife who was in the clinic with her. Midwifes are so overstretched clinics are not times for chit chat either. Im so glad Ive got you girls!! :love:

I just realised my mother is arriving to stay for a couple of nights :wall: I hate :bd: when she's staying over, I feel like a naughty school girl. Even though shes the one who told me "lots of sex and lots of pineapples!" :rofl: ***cringe***
well i think shes figured out that your not a virgin anymore so just go for it. If its been a while since last time then it prob wont take that long anyway! :love: go Tiny go :love:
The walking, bouncing etc does help ripen the cervix.
With my first they told me to walk loads as my cervix was no where near ready at full term. i did and i went myself, 8 days late but spontaneous all the same :) After the night you've planned you might not be fit for a walk!!!:lol:
Lol!! Ohhhhh i forgot stairs r great they ripen the cervix and get the baby right down coz if the rocking of the hips x x x x x

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I went to the consultnat day before I had Emily and was told almost the same about my cervix so dont let it get you down! Get having sex and bouncing on that ball girly!!! xxxx
well i didnt manage any :bd: last night, I spent the evening gossiping with my mum and I think OH was a bit neglected so I felt too bad to try and wake him up when I went to bed!!

Going to bounce on the ball a lot today. I shouldnt realy go for a walk cos my blood pressure is getting quite high and I dont want it to be up saturday or I might be admitted....eeek!
I tried going for a long walk yesterday and ended up with really painful, swollen feet and ankles so I don't suggest that anyway! Oh and don't stand up when you're doing the ironing - I couldn't walk properly for ages afterwards!
good grief I havent ironed standing up for weeks!! I had swollen sore ankles yesterday just from doing 2 hours housework. Ooops! My mum was gonna take me out for the day but now we're just gonna have a DVD day, shes currently cleaning my oven :yay:

So EPO, bouncy ball and some good DVDs are in order!
oh god....I hadn't even thought about the oven hehe! I think I need my mum to come round and clean mine for me too :) She won't be here until the baby's here though and for some reason I feel the need for the house to already be spotless when she arrives - silly really!

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