My bits (don't read if easily offended!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Ok just did the deed for the first time and it went ok!

However I've noticed that just inside my vagina instead of it being like a smooth tube (my powers of description are poor I know!), there is an area that dips away towards my back passage area, like a small cavern and it's really bumpy! It's behind my perineum. It didn't affect me when we did the deed, but it's really strange. Sometimes when I am stood up it feels heavy there.

When I do my pelvic floor it feels really strong deeper inside but I don't really feel it round the front part, but I'm not sure whether I am supposed to or not?

Have I been left deformed? :shock:
Brave woman doing the deed!!!! :shock: :lol: :lol:
I'll just manage the black velvet gloves at the mo to inspire DH!!! :lol:

My bits are held up with scafholding :lol: :lol: , so can't help there. Everything seems stranger than before - I'll wait until 6 weeks to see what has returned to it's original location and what hasn't!!!

I'll leave the deed until later - the way things are going with Oscar - it'll have to be no longer than 5 seconds!!
Happy exploring :?
Emilia xx
i have not done the deed yet but my bits feel different too. I had 2 infections there and since the last time, it feels like i have a lump of hard flesh. So maybe it has healed on the infection and left a lump. Will see when i have my check up the 13th of feb. I would be gutted because when i was younger, had an infected pile that went into flesh and it is quite visible (my oh said it turns him off when he sees it!!! So if I have another lump of flesh, i will feel so self conscient!!! :oops: :roll:

Sorry for TMI
It took weeks before I could gather the courage to even look down there. :shock:
Don't worry Rosieroo even if you are deformed, you're not as defored as me, I have to go back to hospital and be cut open and stitched again, mine's still gaping :(
I have a slight phobia of my own "downstairs" at the best of times. Shame we can't take home some gas and air for the "first time" post natal.

I have looked down below and it looks alot different. Theres no point describing it because you didnt know what it looked like before lol

My boyfriend watched everything during my labour and delivery and I mean everything! He isn't squeamish atall and even watched them cut me! Believe it or not it hasn't put him off my "downstairs" atall! What a freak! I don't even want to look at it! lol

I just had my first period and was even too scared to use tampons so I admire you for being brave and checking out whats going on down there. I suppose I will eventually.

(still havent braved the first time yet) :(

Well. after reading all of the above, I'm sooooooooooo pleased that it's not just my private thats going to look like a "badly stuffed kebab"!!!!!!! :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :oops:
(I think Jo Brand used that line once....)
Sorry, deffinitely TMI, but hey, we have to laugh at these things!

Emilia xx
Don't worry Lou I am dreading using tampons aswell, and I am pretty scared of my bits now aswell (before I wasn't at all). I wont be checking it out again for a while and will leave it til my 6 week check up for the doc to check it and tell me whether its normal or not!

:lol: @ Emilia
yeah i still need to make an appointment for my check up. Its supposed to be at 6 weeks but i was having my period and I was feeling shit so I thought i'd wait till my period has stopped and I'm feeling better.

Some people I have asked said they give you an internal, some say you have a smear test and others say they just ask how you are feeling and see if you cry or not!

lou said:
yeah i still need to make an appointment for my check up. Its supposed to be at 6 weeks but i was having my period and I was feeling shit so I thought i'd wait till my period has stopped and I'm feeling better.

Some people I have asked said they give you an internal, some say you have a smear test and others say they just ask how you are feeling and see if you cry or not!


I was told the 6 week check with the GP you don't get an internal, they just "sign you off" as in your pregnancy care is over.

I've had an appontment with a physiotherapist AND another one last week with a doctor in the womens heath unit of my hospital. I had an internal both times as they wanted to check my pelvic floor and the physio could check I was doing my exercises properly.

I was dreading it both times but I'm really glad I had these appointments now, I wish you could all have them, it's very reassuring.
I had a checkup at 2 weeks, my midwife just asked me how I was feeling, physically and emotionally. At my 6 week checkup I had a pap and she checked my abs for separation and told me I could start exercising again.
ARGH I didn't know they did an internal - I'm seeing a male GP! :shock:
Think I'll be re-booking, had enough men down there when I was pregnant to last a lifetime. :oops: Don't like it, and while I have a choice.... I think I'll change.
I dont blame you sami. I will never never never have another internal by a male doctor. Isaac was delivered by a man but I had no say in the matter and by all accounts he was very friendly and nice but the obstetrician that gave me a failed membrane sweep, well if I saw him in the street I would kick him in the nuts.

Lou :)
I had a male midwife to start with and it didnt bother me then, but im not pregnant now and and the care is not for the baby, its for me, and I think only my OH should see my intimate areas when there is no real need for a male health professional to 'look'. Can't change my appointment :( will just have to ask for another GP when there I think.

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