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Mummies Running Club :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Do any mummies on here run?
Ive found it a great way to lose my baby weight, tone up, de-stress and to start feeling good about myself again after having Lexi x x
I'd love to start running but never get chance to :( what with OH always working I don't have anyone to watch Sophie while i go out :(
I've got a treadmill which I go on most nights, does that count?!
Any kind of running pringle :)

Sorry you cant find the time to get out Hunnie, maybe once Sophie gets a bit older or you could purchase a treadmill :)
I'm planning to start jogging after ive had my baby, then eventually running, ages away yet though
Im not a Mum yet but I run quite a bit. Im doing a 10k next Sunday :)
No, I've done a good few 10ks but I am a bit out of practice! I started about three years ago, have done three or four each year. I was pregnant at the beginning of this year though so didn't do any & was quite poorly after my miscarriage so wasn't motivated. In full health now so back in the swing of it. I'm really hoping to do it in under an hour but I'm not too hopeful-I wanted to do a long run today but it's pouring rain. Gym it will have to be! Ive also done a couple of half marathons. How about you? Have you done any 10k's? xx
Yeah ive done a few 5k, 10k and halfs, im training for a marathon in October at the moment, its my first one so im very nervous but super excited!
I had just over a year out without any running due to a miscarriage and having Lexi (was scared of running when i was pregnant) but i got straight back to it and i lost all my baby weight and more!
Do you find running is de-stressing? I get so frustrated if i cant get out x x
Oh wow how exciting! I would love to do a full marathon-One day lol! Im reluctant to sign up for big runs at the moment to be honest though. I'm TTC and I know if I am lucky enough to fall I won't be doing any runs as I'll be too scared. I definitely find running de stressing, it always puts me in a feel good mood. I just need to make up a new playlist as I find music is what really keeps me going on a long run and I'm getting a bit bored of my current one? What marathon are you doing? xx
ive got a treadmill that i run on, once ive built up my run a bit more ill head out on to the road, how often do you all go? i want to lose weight and tone up for my wedding. plus i love just sticking in my headphones and blanking the world out for a while!
I run twice a week if I can,usually 3 miles at a time. I used to run with a partner but prefer to put my headphones in and forget the world on my own now. Xx
I love running and just getting back into it again. I prefer 10k's but have done half marathons and London marathon twice. I love putting my earphones in and forgetting about everything. I use 'map my run' as it tells me my speed every mile and also logs the whole run so I can compare. I just need to find the motivation to get out more!
Ooo I got quite excited seeing the title of this thread :)

I've not been running long really. Just done a 10k for the race for life which I did in 1hr 19 which wasn't fantastic but it was fun. I run 4 times a week now and have just signed up for the mudrunner in Oct and a 5 mile race on bonfire night. Just done a 3 mile tonight in 30 mins which Im happy with.
Im doing the Liverpool marathon hun, i went out last night only did 6.5miles as id been up every 20mins the night before with my poor Elexia teething :(
I normally try and get out at least 3 times a week and do a 20-30mins core session everyday (if i get up before the kids!)
Its great for weight loss and toning too, ive lost 3stone since having Lexi and been back running.
Well done on your 10k Augustmum, looks like youve caught the running bug :) x x
Kudos to those of you doing or done a marathon. Id love to do it one day but I just couldn't imagine running that distance!

I very much have got the running bug now :) really enjoying it. It's helped the muscle separation in my stomach as well, oh and much cheaper than the gym. Im running with my mum, dad and OH in the mudrunner, we've called ourselves the mudsketeers.
You never know Augustmum, if you keep enjoying running, you might just wake up one morning and think im going to do it :)
Thats what i did and entered, didnt really think about teething and sleepless nights but im glad I did as im loving every min of the training just hope i love marathon day as much :)
Great team name, its sounds so much fun x x
M2A the atmosphere at the marathon will be fab, it will keep you going! AM I love the name of your team :-)

Hubby is working til 6pm so going to try and get out once C is in bed tonight, hopefully for a couple of miles. I bought a new pair of trainers last month and they are so comfortable. Need some new sports tops and joggers though, any recommendations?
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I swear by underarmor, they are brilliant at aiding recovery after long runs.
Ive also heard Karrimor (soccer sports own brand) are meant to be fantastic Sassy.
Hope you manage to get out :) x x

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