Mucus Plug.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Help ladies.

Im just back in from a night out dancing - the first one since the middle of jan. Did spend the second half of the night sitting a lot more than dancing.

Also had the odd BH - but excercise has been causing them for a while - not too painful that i was concerned.

However, just come in and gone to the loo - and had a very Jelly like wipe. - but no blood.

Could this be part of my plug - its still pretty early for me to be losing that? - Could it just be cause of the excercise??

Could you of mistaken it for thick discharge?

At my antenatal class, she said that you can lose your plug weeks before you actually go into labour, so it's not a proper sign you'll go into labour tonight or tomorrow (which is good!)
I know you can lose it before - but i read somewhere that if you start loosing it before 37 weeks - that could be a sign of pre term labour.

I guess it could be discharge - but it definitely seemed significantly thicker than normal - though not sure if im just panicing a bit cos that's first bout of proper excercise ive done in nearly a month.
I think I remember seeing a post like this before and someone said you can lose small parts of it and it grows back

I tend to get more discharge when I'm more active too.
Thanks. I've put a pad on to go to bed, just incase. Fingers crossed it's just me worrying a wee bit! Xxx

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