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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
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I have a question about the baby moving. I havent felt anything at all and it seems like quite a few people have had movements already. When is it normal to start feeling the baby? My midwife hasnt really told me anything about this.
Most first time mums feel their babies first movements between 18 and 22 weeks generally, sometimes a little before and sometimes a little after. Most will have felt their baby move by the '20week' scan.

Seconds time mums can feel it from 16 usually (although ssometimes earlier than this) due to knowing how the first flutters feel and also because their tummy muscles are a little less tense and tight than first time mums so are more sensitive to movements.

If you are slimmer then you will usually feel movements sooner than someone who has a little extra weight on them. But that don't mean your fat if you don't feel it till 22weeks!

Hope that helps xx
Thanks for that, something I can worry a little less about! I think I need to stop reading what happens to other people. I spend 90% of my time worrying that something is wrong or will go wrong. Its very difficult to relax.
Everyone feels it at different times. I feel little movements often now but not all the time. People say they are supposed to get stronger quite quickly (like tiny taps to big kicks) but mine havent got that strong yet - still little taps. But I'm convinced it's not gas as when I use the doppler you can 'hear' kicks and I feel it at the same time.

I worry all the time too mate - I think it's natural. How else can you describe a human being living in your stomach as anything less than alien?! yeah we will ahev a beautiful baby at the end of it - but 9 months is a bloody long itme to worry. :roll:
If you haven't felt baby it might be that you're missing the movements.
Try lying quietly on your own for a whileand see if you can feel them, they start off as like a tickling movement in your belly which are quite hard to feel they then get gradually stronger, for a while now i have been able to see babys movements, it's really weird to see her moving about lol

I've been feeling mine for a little while. It felt like bubbles at first but now it's like a pulse and sometimes a strange rumbling feeling. Very weird but lovely.
I don't think you need to worry though. I was speaking to a woman at work who's 28 wks and she only felt her baby 2 weeks ago because it's facing towards her back and her placenta is in the front of her tummy.


I started feeling some movements at about 20 weeks but no kicks. I only felt the baby moving when doing some activities like cleaning, washing up etc... baby does not like it when i move too much and i can feel a strange sensation like something rolling up and down my belly, whcih is my son moving(i suppose lol)
I realised the kicks when my gp listened to his heartbeat and she was telling me, here he is kicking and realized that the feeling i had (it is like when your heart is beating so fast you can feel all the pumps of it) was the baby kicking. But otherwise it has not got stronger, cannot tell with what he is kicking or anything, it is still very light!!!
I didn't feel my baby move until I was about 21weeks so don't panic. I asked my midwife about it at about 20weeks and she said they do not worry about it until you get to atleast 23weeks depending on your build/size/weight etc.
So relax!!!
Try laying on your back and stroking your bump. This gets my Bubble going!!! (Although don't stay on your back for too long because apparantly it can affect blood flow and circulation) xxx

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