morning sickness back???


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
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Is anyone suffering from morning sickness again in the 3rd tri? I use 'morning' in the loosest of terms - in my 1st tri it was all bloody day!

It seems to have reared it's ugly head again which has caught me by surprise as I thought I was finished with all that. Anyone else suffering again?

I actually just had my head down the bog at work which is a new one for me. Never actually been sick just very nauseous but the urge to vom is stronger than ever!

It's not a symptom or anything else is it does anyone know?
Yup, mine had stopped for a while then came back briefly in third trimester for like a week or 2. I also had a return of other first trimester symptoms like exhaustion, headache, and constipation. It didn't last long though but yeah it was like first trimester de ja vu. :) Now it's just low energy/tiredness, braxton hicks, and lower back pain and periodlike cramps with inability to walk or stand for long.
Yes, in fact it's come and gone all pregnancy but it's certainly not as bad as it was in the first 20 weeks. Last night I was horribly sick. Totally sucks. My best tip is try not to get too over-tired, I find that when I overdo it, I get exhausted and it's almost as though my body is too tired to digest food so it just brings it all back up.
OK so at least it's not just me then. Just when you think the sickness is a distant memory......

I am pretty tired today actually so maybe that is why it's worse. Feel so sorry for you actually being sick though.

So funny how different each pregnancy can be. Never suffered at all with my first and this one is much worse. Both boys.

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