Morning sickness, any advice?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2014
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Hi ladies,
I'm currently expecting baby 2 and am in my first trimester. I had very mild morning sickness with baby 1 but seems to be worse with this one 😣 Any suggestions that have worked to get rid of nausea? Its all through the day & makes me not want to eat (which I think makes it worse) Any suggestions please :)
Def eat as much as you can. You feel it doesn't help but if you don't it deffo makes you feel worse.
I used the travel sickness bands, put sliced lemon in water, sometimes I sniffed lemons (it helped!) and I ate lots of sour sweets or any kinds of sweets really.

I have been suffering from morning sickness for about two months now. I find snacking through day helps and just eating anything I can stomach. Tried ginger biscuits and sick hands but that didn't really help.
Snacking, as said above. If I go more than two hours without eating I start feeling seriously sick. Cereal bars is my saviour. I relied heavily on Ritz crackers in the first semester as well. Anything you can make yourself eat. Anything that is dry is usually good, salty can also help. If you feel sick in the morning, try eating a biscuit before leaving bed.
And if nothing else works, there's medication. I'm on my second type now and it really helps. I occasionally still get sick, but it's much more manageable.
Hang in there, it's rough but it doesn't last forever. Try and eat small amounts very often, as it does help. Eat plain ish things (basically whatever isn't going to be horrendous to puke up again), or just anything that you feel able to stomach, don't feel bad if it's just a lot of toast for a while.

Also, don't try to hold it in. I found that if I felt sick and tried to hold it in, the feeling of nausea just stayed with me until I finally just was sick. Better to get it out and have at least a few hours without the nausea. Oh and as much rest as possible also makes a big difference, I found xxx
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Try peppermint tea, or anything peppermint related too x

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