Morning, afternoon, evening and nightime sickness


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012
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Any tips?
Currently sat here hugging a mug of chicken bovril. I know I'll be sick but I need to something to sick up (sorry TMI)
I cracked my ribs in a car accident a few weeks ago and the vomiting is agony x
Oh no, it's a nightmare isn't it! I was sick about 10 times a day up until about 18 weeks and I am still sick occassionally now. The only thing which helped was to snack little and often, totally avoid anything fatty, sip water constantly to avoid dehydration and the travel sickness bands helped a bit as well. I hope it eases up and your ribs heal quickly xx
I just feel so rough. I really don't want to complain as I'm well aware how lucky I am.
Thanks I'll try those sickness bands x
Complain away, it's bloody hard and doesn't mean you are any less grateful xx
I have been reading up on this recently and there is some evidence that greatly reducing carbohydrate & sugar intake can vastly lessen morning sickness symptoms. i believe there is a link between blood sugar levels & the nausea/vomiting symptoms.

I tested this myself after feeling incredibly sick after a very carb heavy fish & chips lunch on Friday & the on Sat I only ate protein/fat/veggies and the difference was quite noticable. I was planning on keeping it up but this afternoon I polished off some of my son's chocolate & had a hot crossed bun and low & behold the nausea started creeping in again...

So just wondered if you could see if something like this might help your symptoms at all?
Thank you. I have eaten very little today, anything that I have eaten hasn't stayed down. Fruit/veg, protein, carbs and water. Today has been the worst day. I'm hoping I'm having a massive hormone surge and it will be better tomorrow x
The only thing tats helped is ginger supplement tablets, you can get them from Boots and were recommended to me by my gp x
You have my heartfelt sympathy it's do awful I suffered badly this time and found nothing to help. Hope you find something I just tried to take it easy and get through each day until it passed. I hope it eases really soon for you xx
I had this with my little girl. Up until 32 weeks. Even now I can't smell beans without heaving. Ginger biscuits are a saviour!! I'd put money on you having a girl though. Sickness with my son was nothing in comparison and this pregnancy I've had no sickness.
I suffered with morning (all day) sickness from around 6 weeks until just before my 20 week scan. Nothing helped (sorry to say) but I did try all kinds, I got medication from the doctor (on my birthday, :( haha) but I felt too guilty to take them, I tried sea bands , ginger biscuits , eating before I got out of bed / eating regularly (I did notice this, I felt 10x worse when hungry) I found salty food (crisps nuts) easier to eat, and found myself eating late at night. Also avoiding smells (harder than it seems, OH had to stop using his shampoo, body wash & all kinds, and switch to non fragranced) I also switched to a bubblegum kids toothpaste to help clean my teeth as that was no easy feat!
I lost a stone in the first trimester. Horrible times but totally worth it. Good luck & hope you feel better real soon!

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