More brown discharge :( :(

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Just went to the loo and i have loads of brown discharge, i had this a few weeks ago but this time its alot darker and much more than last time too.
I was out at the shops earlier and had to get out the shop because i thought i was going to pass out and felt very unsteady on my feet. Im trying not too worry because i know from being on here that alot of girls get brown discharge. I dont know whether to phone nhs24 or not to ask advice or just wait it out for a day or see and see what happens. x
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I would call hun if its just to put your mind at rest, but disscharge can be completly normal xx
You can phone them but chances r theyl say stay at home and rest unless it becomes bright red or accompanied by pain xxx
I know i dont think they will really do much cos ive read about a few girls on here with same problem and they get told same thing. Went back to the loo and theres nothing more there. If it carries on until tomorrow i will call them. I did hear though that it can just be your body getting rid of old blood. Hoping everythings ok, scans not until 18th november x
im sure you will be fine hun. like you say could just be your body changing. xx
Big hugs hon :hugs:it's horrible isn't it? Know just how you feel I've had it every day for over 2 weeks now, I have to constantly wear a panty liner. Have been getting much more the last 2 or 3 days and just like you it's now a really dark brown, and sometimes I get sort of flaky bits on the loo roll as well (sorry this sounds so gross). I was wondering the same thing whether to just contact the midwife again as although she said it's normal 2 weeks is a long time to have it! How long have you been getting it? I even peed on a stick today as I felt a bit paranoid when I woke up!
Still have it but its not as bad today. I'm trying to think positive about it. I feel awful today though and its really really sore when I pee. I'm thinking I might have a urine infection or something because its really sore and keep feeling like I need but nothing comes out apart from a dribble (sorry tmi lol). I feel so drained! X
Sorry bella forgot to write that I've been getting it on and off since I was 7 and a half weeks. Not everyday though. Oh and I'm the same, need to use a pantyliner everyday just incase I get more discharge. X

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