Miscarriage Likely?


New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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Hi everyone, I am new here!
Last week I took a ClearBlue pregnancy test with the date estimate. It stated that I am 1-2 weeks pregnant. A massive shock, as I am only 20 and about to start medical school in September. Anyway, to cut a very long story short... I went to my GP this morning who referred me to the Early Pregnancy Unit in my area. I have to admit my first experience was not great. The nurse was very blunt and not exactly reassuring. I had an vaginal ultrasound which revealed a possible pseudo sac or early gestation sac according to the notes from the radiographer. Also had bloods done which revealed a HCG of 912 and Progesterone at 5. Essentially the nurse called me and told me that I'm probably miscarrying and I should just continue with my studies and it's for the best - quite harsh statement I think?! I have repeat bloods this Friday.

P.S. I have had very minor cramps but no bleeding or spotting. Nurse also still didn't bother offering

I guess my questions to you lovely lot are:

1. Considering I am probably about 2-3 weeks pregnant, is it really possible to see anything on a scan?

2. Are my stats should we say normal at this stage?

Sorry for the essay, and thanks in advance x
It would be too early to see anything on a scan at this stage but a progesterone of 5 is very low to sustain a pregnancy unfortunately.
I hope things work out the way you want them too xx
It sounds like things don't look ideal but I'd say its too early to say for sure. I've seen lots of posts on here of women who didn't see much on an early scan and things turned out okay. The progesterone does sound low. Mild cramps in early pregnancy are a fairly common symptom. Being in limbo is horrid. I hope you get answers soon. Have they arranged a follow up scan?
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Hi ladies, thank you for replying.
I have another scan next week.

Do you think I should ask for progesterone suppositories or something? x
Hi, I'm really sorry to hear this :(

Unfortunately I don't think progesterone supplements will do anything once a miscarriage has started, as nothing can be done to stop a miscarriage if it is going to happen. I know some people take progesterone in early pregnancy to try and prevent it, but I think studies proved it doesn't make much difference.

I hope the scan is more positive x
I also found the epu to be abrupt and rude x
Hi ladies! Just a quick update...
My HCG has more than doubled to 1995!
They said they don't repeat the progesterone, but I am to come for another scan on Tuesday. Nurse says everything looks good! Can finally call the midwife! xx
Congratulations. Thats wonerful. It sounds like maybe the progesterone was just low because you were still quite early.
Thank you all!
It's been such a stressful two days but luckily my little bean is hanging in there!

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