Miracle Pregnancy?????


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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This might be a really really stupid and pathetic question to post.

I still haven't had a period,
Jack is 7.5 weeks and i was lead to believe by HV etc that you have your first period between 5-8 weeks? is this right??

Well going of this i am missing it!! After Amy i had my period at 6 weeks.

We have had "cuddles" several times :oops: (sorry) and have used a rubber friend everytime, but is there any chance it could have had a pin prick hole or something we wouldn't notice?? No obvious splits in them though.

I have had cronic period pain for a week and slight brown spotting on and off buts thats it.

I don't want a baby, i decided on that after Jack, so i am a little worried.
No i haven't cos i didn't know if it was possible to get pregnant using a condom with no tears but then that' when i thought of the little holes we couldn't see.
HI Amy

Have you had any other signs... it seems alot of us are wondering if were preg lately :shock: .
Well it is possibly it could of had a little tiny hole in it that you dfidnt see.... but maybe give it another week? I have no idea cuz im breastfeeding, but i have no idea what the brown discharge was? ,aybe the beginning of your period but its just not coming fully yet?
Im sorry im not much help am i.... hope you get an answer.
xxxx Katrina
i still havint had my period either hun

we were trying for a couple of weeks before i decided i didnt want to , i have done a few tests, one had a faint line on it, and the rest since then has said no.

do a test hun, just to be sure
I didnt have a proper period until 10/11 weeks after the birth, so i wouldnt worry too much especially as you have been careful!!
Maybe it will come in time then.

You are supposed to be most fertile after having a baby aswell, this is why i'm wondering.

:shock: :shock: :shock:
It was 11 weeks until I had mine hun- don't worry :)

Its been 10 nd a half weeks since Seren was born and I haven't had a proper period yet. I love that as I hate periods, they hurt too much.
Breastfeeding affects periods, Dom is 7 months and I still haven't had one.
I'm not breastfeeding, but i was told by my HV that you have it between 5-8 weeks that's why i have paniced, plus i have had spotting but no real bleeding!!

Thanks everyone, it's a big weight off my shoulders. :D :D
If anyone wants periods, you can have some of mine - I'm getting them every two bloomin weeks :?
Well after all that panicing i have started my period today!!

Very Very painful, alot worse than i have ever had even after having Amy. i wonder if it's because i had a different sex baby?

My mum said she had really bad periods afer having my brothers but after having me they calmed down.

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