Mind games


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
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I was doing so well, not thinking about it too much, trying to be positive and relaxed and then today it's like boom! Everywhere I look there are babies and poss pregnancy symptoms. I have some new spots developing on my cheeks (I never get them there, usually just on my chin) and some darker coloured discharge. But that's just like AF symptoms I think. Then annoying pregnant girl showed me her scan photos at work, my friend invited me to hers tomorrow afternoon to see her one year old daughter and then we went to the bar for a drink before dinner and there was a girl who we haven't seen for ages with her four month old baby having a drink with her friend. I didn't even know she was pregnant...it's madness, but her little boy was so lovely I felt such pangs of jealousy. It's like someone's got it in for me and is playing with my mind.
Now have dull cramps, I think the witch is on her way :wall2:, how much bloody longer do I have to go through this nonsense?
Rant over ladies, just wanted to get that off my chest. :eh:
Hope you're ok babe. We all know how you feel. I think it's like mental torture ttc. Everywhere you look there's pregnancy and babies. For example, my neighbour is preg after 4 years of ttc (although I am honestly so so pleased for them), and I watch home and away and the lady in the ad before it is now preg - screeeam! Big hugs your way. I can't wait until we're all in Tri 1. If I ever get morning sickness I will pleased*.


*can be retracted if I'm ever lucky enough!
Thanks LauraAnne, it's a bit like slow torture isn't it. They go on about the low birth rate in Italy but seriously my town has been invaded by prams. Then there is the primary school infront of my house which doesn't help. I'm going to have to start cycling to work with blinkers on. I remember back in March I woke up feeling sick and was really pleased with myself that it might be morning sickness, turned out it was just a flu bug...grrrr.
Ah hun. Here's hoping we're both really lucky soon. How long have you been ttc?xx
Aw Binzy :(

Sorry you're feeling so crappy.

I saw my nephew tonight and my sister was saying how she wished she had my boobs because she "lost hers with breastfeeding" (she didn't, she never had any boobs) but i was still thinking how i'd trade my full boobies for a baba in a flash...

Even if they drooped to my ankles and i had to tuck them in my socks to stop them scraping along the floor!

I want a baba too :cry:

I hope AF doesn't show Binzy :hug:
This is the 10th month, what about you?
Thanks LouiseB, we posted at the same time:)
It's like when skinny girls have their babies then go back to being skinny instantly and parade around saying 'look at my arse', I'm like eff off!
I just need to be more patient I know, I know, I know.

You need to get a move on with your spell Louise!
You need to get a move on with your spell Louise!

I can't :( I think it's going to have to wait until next cycle :cry:

I had LH surge a day earlier than expected, today, and it was my dad's birthday so i've been out ALL day and then when i get home - my candles haven't arrived and i ordered them on Wednesday and paid £5 for next day delivery :wall2:

Gonna love giving them negative feedback on Ebay and seeing their 100% turning to a 99.9% :D
But don't think negative thoughts, right ;-)
I never think negative thoughts me - i'm a constant ray of joyous optimism...

...i'm doomed :cry:
she didn't, she never had any boobs)

Louise B - love it ha ha

Binzy - this is my third month. I have pregnancy on the brain 24/7. I don't know, maybe I shouldnt be moaning, I guess it's early days, but I can't help it :roll:

I don't blame you, it doesn't matter how many months you're on, it's always at the back of your mind and Louise, you're not doomed!! I bet your candles turn up tomorrow and you'll be all excited again, xx
I'm off to bed, night all xx
Oh girls, I hear you! I'm only a day or two away from AF, didnt get my spell done in time so putting it off til next month too. (Anyone want to join me in a shout of BFP for Christmas!) I have all the typical symptoms of cramp, sore breasts, spots and worse of all such bad PMT that my husband went to bed at 9pm to get away from me. To top it off my neck has tensed up so badly i cant turn it, which is something i get when v stressed. Oh dear....... I had such high hopes for October....... but then i suppose i do every month which is why i get so depressed when i never get a bfp.
Night lovey. Baby dust on its way to ya x
I'm with you all on this one. I get really upset when I find out girls I know have gone out, got drunk and are now pregnant. It feels so unfair, cos they haven't even tried! And I'm stuck in limbo every cycle wondering if it's my turn yet. Lets hope we all get bfps soon so we can parade our bumps! x
I totally agree with you all! And Traci, I defo agree!

LOADS of my friends have had babies from pure accidental conception - drives me mental! I've got two bottles of rosé in the fridge that I so badly want to drink but I won't because I know I *could* concieve soon!

I still have hope for October, we've BDed as much as possible and I'm fairly sure the CM I've been having is a sign of ovulation, so hopefully we're in with a good chance. Been praying like mad! x
I know where your coming from hun and every month i get symptoms and then af arrives,i have just had BFN AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know what you mean - all of sudden since TTC, there is baby stuff everywhere, TV adverts, pregnant women, baby *signs* - it's so consuming!
I was out yesterday afternoon in one of the local pubs (it was after a funeral) and in the space of an hour, three of four girls had been in with their babies in their pushchairs. I mean, the kids couldn't have been anymore than two. I was absolutely flabbergasted (and a bit disgusted). I couldn't help but think of how many wonderful women there are on here who are holding out every hope for their BFP and these scummy, trampy mums are traipsing their kids into the pub on a Friday lunchtime! It just doesn't bare thinking about!
Wishing everyone every luck for their BFP's very soon x
Well I work in a supermarket and I swear my manager makes me do the baby aisle sometimes on purpose! I stand there looking at the nappies and baby food, thinking one day! And I live in such a small town that everyone knows everyone else, I'm constantly bumping into all the accident prone young mums! And no one knows we're ttc because the in laws think we're too young, I'm 26!!!
The small town i live in is full of preg bellies, mums and babies as its a RAF town so whilst the men work the women tend not to, reproducing is their job!

It's easier to deal with now that me and hub are ttc but still!!!!!! :roll:

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