
Little bean

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I'm being checked by my midwife at 28 weeks when do you next see her, at how many weeks?? Also when do you get measure by mw or doc to see how big baby is. X
Seeing my midwife at 20weeks, then she said it would be 24 & 28 weeks. before it went to 2 weekly. Not sure if it varys or is the same for everyone? x
It must depend on area as I'm seeing mine next at 25 weeks. Not sure after that xx
I saw mine at 28 where I was measured and bloods were taken.

I then saw her at 31 weeks and next appt is 34 weeks
im seeing mine at 26 weeks (next week :)) the at 28 weeks get blood forms and then again at 31 weeks and every 2 weeks from there, seems to be flying now x
I see mine at 16 weeks and next times I will see her are 25 and 28 weeks. x
I saw mine at 24wks got measured and I'm slightly small 2cm under. I see MW again at 28wks for bloods and measure. It is my 1st so I think this is usual? x
sorry to post on your thread babe!

I arn't getting seen for my 16 wks scan till i'm 18 weeks because they cant fit me in :(
Not sure if this depends on where you live, but this is also my first baby. I was seen by MW at 25 weeks, saw her yesterday at 28 and then will see her at 31 and 34. The 25 and 31 week appts are extra because its my first baby.
Then it becomes more regular from there. In my maternity notes it has a list of when i will be seen xx

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